ZTH Sponsored Products Campaigns Structure
Jul 23, 2021
The naming and meaning of Zero to Hero campaigns.
ZTH structure consists of the campaigns that even the Top 100 Sellers use nowadays.
We developed the structure for every Ad Type:
SP (Sponsored Products):
- Control Part
- Growth Part
- Product Targeting Part
- And separately exists *Negative Part
SB (Sponsored Brands) (at the development stage):
- SBP (Product Collection)
- SBS (Store Spotlight)
- SBV (Video)
SD (Sponsored Display):
- TPA (Top Performing ASINs)
- PA (Performing ASINs)
- RA (Risk ASINs)
- Suggested
- Categories
- Audiences
- Brand Defend
Learn more about Sponsored Display campaigns structure: Sponsored Display Campaign.
Here is the example of Zero to Hero Software semantic core.
Let’s dive deeper into the campaign structure that Zero to Hero Software creates.
SP (Sponsored Products)
Keyword Targeting (Control Part):
- TPK Exact (TPK)
- Exact Simple
- Exact Other
- ST Exact/Phrase
Keyword/Product Targeting (Uncontrolled Part):
- Broad Negative
- Auto Negative
- Auto CTA
Product Targeting (PAT Part):
- ASIN’s
- Category
- Brand
*We will talk about every campaign in this article.
Why do we need so many different campaigns?
This number of campaigns enables us to control every segment of the advertising on Amazon more accurately with a precise statistic. Not a single spot will be missed. Moreover, this campaign structure is like a live organism that improves over time.
The campaigns here are the most complicated among all Amazon Advertising instruments. Thus, they generate 50-70% of traffic and give incredible conversions in skillful hands, as it’s used by 99% of Amazon sellers who utilize advertising.
Important: There are no duplicates in campaigns, and we use search term isolation methodology to prevent artificial competition between the search terms!
Control Part:
TPK Exact (Top Performing Keywords)
This campaign includes the most relevant keywords. They spend 70% of the Ad budget, are the most competitive, and have massive traffic.
Example: car charger/car adapter/car USB – Top Performance Keywords and the most relevant keywords, almost every seller tries to use it in the campaigns and rank organically for this search term. Car charger iPhone – goes to the same campaign, as it’s the high-frequency keyword as well. The seed of this keyword is a “car charger”.
Important: High-frequency keyword = keyword that generates the largest part of the traffic in your niche.
Exact Simple
These are the most common campaigns where you divide your keywords into segments/clusters to control budgets and placements, each of them separately.
For example, you have two segments for the «Car Charger» product: Segment A – iPhone, Segment B – Android.
Then you create campaigns by these segments. One campaign is Exact Simple “iPhone” which consists of all keywords with the word iPhone, another Exact Simple “Android” having all keywords with the word «Android».
You can also split segments into even narrower options inside such campaigns: Ad Group: iPhone X, Ad Group: iPhone 8, Ad Group: iPhone 10, Etc.
Exact Other
Gathering semantics, you will have keywords that won’t find a pair.
There will be only one such keyword in all semantics, for example: «professional 3.0 USB car charger». It is relevant, but only one, so we put all such keywords in one campaign to have their pairs.
ST Exact (Search Term)
You’ve already had working campaigns, and you are worried that you might miss something during the collecting of new semantics. ST Exact is exactly what you were looking for!
In our agency, we are working with these campaigns in the following way:
- downloading a report, upload it to a Google document;
- leave only Search Terms which are KEYWORDS in the filters;
- all B0 ……. we input to a separate sheet with all the metrics (it will come in handy in the future (PAT Part)*;
- put all the keywords with semantics in ONE column, the last one is highlighted in any color;
- put all Search terms beneath THEM;
- open the Data tab, click Remove Duplicates.
After this, you still have additional keywords that you did not find in the semantics. Sort them and add them to your ST Exact campaign, or scatter across keyword Ad Groups in Exact campaigns.
SP (Sponsored Products) – (Growth Part)
This is one of our best innovations on the market:
Broad Negative
This campaign must ALWAYS comply with one condition for proper operation:
- All keywords from all Exact campaigns must be added to the campaign as “Negative Exact”.
What is that for? This campaign will serve us as the so-called “Black Box». It will look for all the keywords that we don’t have in the PPC campaigns, and they will be entirely relevant. If you use the PPC Automate tool, it will harvest these search terms and add them to your campaigns, no need to spend hours researching these reports for good-performing search terms.
For proper operation, we add here our Seed Keywords or the entire TPK Campaign. Thus, Amazon won’t work with duplicates, but we will force Amazon to look for search terms with keywords that we need.
Auto Negative:
That’s almost analogous to the Broad Negative campaign. We also add all our Exact keywords to the “Negative Exact” here.
The difference between Broad Negative and Auto Negative is that the Auto will look for entirely different search terms that will indirectly be associated with our product. For example, we sell a «map of the world», but we’ll receive such requests as ”Home Decor”, “Gift for Traveler”.
It allows you to indicate many keywords and get additional traffic to get more market share and grow brand awareness.
Auto CTA (Catch Them All):
An independent Auto campaign with a very low bid. It will bring you sales with low ACoS. This campaign is responsible for the cheap Amazon Ad spots.
SP (Sponsored Products) – (PAT Part) (ASINs/categories/brands))
ASINs from Search Term Report are necessary for the creation of TPA / PA / RA campaigns. There are no duplicates in the campaigns.
TPA (Top Performing ASINs)
It consists of 5+ top ASINs that have the most considerable number of sales for the top-performing ASINs that are profitable.
Here are added all the ASINs that Amazon offers us. Also, we check whether we are better than the competitors having this ASIN.
ASIN’s campaign includes the following Ad Groups:
- PA (Performing ASINs).
Here are the ASINs that got 2-3+ sales with an efficient ACoS.
- RA (Risk ASINs).
This campaign includes ASINs that gave only one or two sales, and you are still unsure whether to show ads on them. So this is the ad group checking the relevancy of particular targets.
It’s something like Auto Negative, but for ASINs. We add the categories that are the most relevant to us.
Important: All ASINs from TPA/PA/RA/Suggested are added here in “Negative Targeting”.
A separate campaign that we include in PAT because it carries the same advertising meaning.
Here are campaigns that include keywords with competitors’ brands. We use this type of campaign to protect your brand.
This campaign can be used in order not to give traffic to your competitors as well.
* Negative Part
After our algorithm learned the old campaigns and Search Term Report, we can protect you in advance. How? To eliminate poorly working keywords from semantics and add them to Negatives in companies such as: Auto Negative and Broad Negative.
Please do not change the structure of these campaigns.
How do we combine algorithms and manual work inside Profit Whales?
We are not just a regular software or advertising agency.
Many of our clients thought that we only use software to manage their accounts. The first thought was: “oh, we have problems with our positioning on the market”.
So, I decided to reveal how we work with Clients inside the Profit Whales agency.
- We do have a company (PPC Experts + Account Managers) and an IT department;
- We are working with more than hundreds of 7-9 figure brands;
- We don’t improve clients’ businesses only manually.
What part of the work are we doing manually?
- semantic cores filtering for SP/SD/SB to check every keyword is present;
- controlling placements to maximize the sales;
- managing advertising in the early stage to find the best ad spots;
- analyzing the market trends, Brand Analytics, and overall performance to make any decision;
- managing advertising during Lighting Deals and 7 Day Deals.
What part of the work are we doing automatically?
- creating semantic cores and PPC structures for SP/SD/SB campaigns
- managing bid optimization
- pausing unprofitable keywords
- harvest new keywords
- activate and rank keywords with huge potential
- remove duplicate keywords
- cross negating keywords to prevent the competition between the search terms
- analyzing all advertising reports
- parsing the listings to get notification about changes on the listing
- tracking BSR to prevent Best Seller lose
- forecasting review ratings
- negating keywords
- finding the best ad spot by parsing where our ad is showing
- advertising analytics with actionable information on a product level
- finding the best days and hours for your ad to be displayed.
And many more.
We are continually developing our software. So, that’s just a tiny part of what we are doing.
Our philosophy is to develop and use the software to be proactive and data-driven.