
We know precisely which metrics matter to a growing mazon brand and how to accelerate them

Our first-hand experience as mazon sellers has taught us the necessity of an informed method for reaching the masses and building an enduring brand. Utilizing marketing and advertising best-practices increases revenue into the business and grows brand awareness providing the resources and opportunities required for successful and sustained scaling.

How we got here

  • 2016
    SEPTEMBER, 2016

    Our founders launch their first product on mazon

  • 2018
    MARCH, 2018

    We develop and launch our unique PPC structure

  • 2019
    DECEMBER, 2019

    We release our own software solution

  • 2020
    APRIL, 2020

    We evolve our model to merge human decision-making and AI processing

  • DECEMBER, 2020

    We are ranked among the TOP 100 most important companies in the e-commerce sector by Market Pulse

  • 2021
    JANUARY, 2021

    We add external traffic and content creation to our services

  • 2022

    We will premiere our highly anticipated new analytics software

Profit Whales is a Full-Service Marketing Agency for mazon Brands

We help brands maximise the efficiency of their marketing budgets and efficacy of their strategy to increase conversion rates. In today's world, content is a key. Your brand must bring value and you must reach your audience. The essential method we employ is A/B testing to test and track new marketing channels, improve your content, and build your brand. This is why we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the fastest growing mazon brands.

full service
  • Traffic Conversion

    We measure the true impact of your advertising spend across multiple channels and find the best CPA for each of your products.

  • Innovation and Automation

    We employ our own unique and time-tested mazon PPC campaign structure to achieve our competitive edge, as well as software for improving the creation of advertising campaigns, their optimization and analytics.

  • Full Done-for-you Ads Management

    We support brands across a multitude of product categories to help their owners invest their time in scaling their business without the need to recruit and manage an in-house marketing team.

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Elevate your Amazon store’s performance with our exclusive, no-cost Brand Audit. Discover untapped opportunities and insights that can transform your sales figures and market presence. Claim your free audit now and start your journey to top-seller status!

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