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Top 11 Amazon Product Listing Optimization Tips in 2022

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Anastasiya Vyday on May 27, 2022 in Tips

Amazon Listing Optimization Tips


As an Amazon customer, you could notice that many listings in different categories and niches on the platform are widely unpopular. Some of the poorly performing listings might look updated, but they rank low, they have a few ratings and reviews, and all in all, they don’t seem like an attractive choice for a purchase. 

In case it wouldn’t be Amazon, the reasons for their poor performance could be different. As a highly competitive platform, Amazon requires constant optimization, to be precise, Amazon listing optimization. So let’s investigate the depth of this topic as much as possible to avoid missing any critical details.


Table of content:


Why is Amazon Product Listing Optimization Important?

Amazon listing optimization is one of the main methods to improve your product listing in Amazon search results and increase the traffic to the listing. But, first, customers need to find your product, and Amazon listing optimization helps sellers make their products more visible. 

The ranking on Amazon is controlled by the A10 Algorithm that aims to show customers the most optimized listings that respond to customers’ interests. The A10 Algorithm also recognizes counterfeits and any other type of performance that doesn’t meet Amazon guidelines. 

Customers tend to purchase products from the first search result page, so it’s vital to rank high. Besides the visibility, to be successful on Amazon, sellers need to keep all other assets of the listing and marketing up-to-date, informative, high quality, and engaging.


What is Amazon Listing Optimization?

The core of listing optimization is scaling product detail pages, including product title, description, images, keywords, reviews, etc., to boost visibility, conversion rates, click-through rate (CTR), and sales. 

Now it’s time to find out how to gain all the mentioned benefits with the support of Amazon product listing optimization step by step.

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What are the Amazon Listing Optimization Tips?

Since Amazon listing optimization consists of many detailed steps, sellers need to thoroughly check each and consider information that competitors provide on their product pages. Here are the tips that will help you push A10 Algorithm to work to your advantage. All of them have to be included in the optimization process. The missed parts can significantly influence the ranking and success of the business.


Amazon Product Title Optimization

The title of your listing brings a good part of your CTR (Click-through Rate). Sellers need to know the product’s specifications before they click on the listing, and if they find what they looked for in the title, congratulations, you got yourself a click.

There is no reason to put false information in the title because the A10 Algorithm will figure it out and lower you in the ranking or, even worse, suspend you from Amazon. Second of all, Click-through-Rate isn’t all you need. The goal is sales, and false information won’t bring more deals.

Here are the ways how to optimize Amazon product listing correctly:


  • Include the keywords at the beginning of your title to make it more relevant and help Amazon recognize that your product is suitable for specific customers’ searches.
  • Capitalize the first letters of each word to make it easier to read. 
  • Don’t include promotions, discounts, prices, and sales.
  • Don’t include symbols.


In most categories, Amazon allows 250 characters in the title. So there is no need to stuff the title with unnecessary words. The number of characters in the title depends on the category. Have a look at the example. The title has 150+ characters.

Amazon Product Title Optimization


Amazon Product Description Optimization

The product description is allowed to have 2 000 characters, and it aims to tell product detail page visitors what you have to offer, why your product is better than competitors, and how they could use it. If you are enrolled in Brand Registry, you can create A+ Content. A+ Content is an improved version of the product description. 

If you have A+ Content, you already surpass many of your competitors. Many Amazon sellers don’t have brands. Therefore, they can’t create A+ Content. 

Optimized A+ Content includes scannable text with 500+ characters and keywords in it. Try to look through customers’ eyes to understand what they want to read in your product description. Amazon listing optimization isn’t efficient if customers can’t find details about the product. Instead, they might move to competitors’ pages to find what they looked for.


Amazon Bullet Points Optimization

Bullet points in the listing serve as the most important information about the product features and functions distinguished in bullets. Here are the main tips to optimize your bullet points:


  • Just like in the title, capitalize the first letter in every word.
  • Write the most valuable product functions and features in two first bullets.
  • Write information about the products to help emphasize what differentiates your product from competitors. 
  • Don’t use HTML tags.
  • Distinguish the beginning of every bullet.
  • Don’t use too many keywords or words in the bullets.
  • Don’t write too many bullets. 5-6 is enough. 


The fewer bullets you have and the shorter they are, the better it’s for your Amazon product page optimization because customers will be able to perceive the information fast. In addition, they appreciate the saved time and effort of giving them information as simply as possible.

In the optimized example, we can see five bullets, the emojis in the beginning, and all keywords in the bullets. But, of course, the bullets themselves could be shorter. 

Amazon Product Listing Bullet Points


Amazon Listing Keywords Optimization

When you perform keyword research, the found keywords can be your key to high visibility and success or your key to not being seen by relevant customers. To not destroy your Amazon SEO, watch this video to increase your knowledge about keywords on Amazon.

The answer to the question ‘what is Amazon listing’ starts with keywords and ends with keywords because they are everywhere in the listing. The relevant keywords usually consist of: 

  • name of the product
  • product type
  • product features
  • product functions 
  • product characteristics, etc.


Apart from adding keywords in the visible part of the listing to help Amazon identify the most relevant listings, sellers also add keywords hidden for buyers’ eyes.


Back-end Keywords 

Back-end keywords are an opportunity to include keywords in the invisible for customers part of the listing to target keywords that don’t fit in the visible elements like title, bullet points, description, etc. 

For example, many Amazon sellers distribute their products on multiple Amazon marketplaces with multilingual customers. As a result, those customers might type in search bar search terms in different languages. Another example is long-tail keywords, keywords with many words because they describe some product features or functions.


Amazon Brand Optimization

Partly, Amazon listing optimization goes beyond listing itself. Primarily, sellers that own brands have to create a brand identity that responds to their target group’s needs. Secondly, the brand pattern has to stay consistent throughout all platforms where they sell, on their website, listings, advertising, etc.

The most crucial brand features that are necessary to stay consistent are:


  • brand name
  • brand logo
  • brand policy 
  • brand identity colors
  • brand design


Brands with consistent brand patterns develop brand awareness and loyalty, increasing visibility, clicks, and sales of the products. Therefore, it’s an essential part of optimizing listings on Amazon.


Product Images Optimization

While eCommerce shoppers don’t have the privilege of touching products like buyers in physical shops, product images are the only door to understanding whether the product they found on Amazon meets their requirements.


High-quality Images

Some might say that the most critical thing to improve Amazon listing is uploading high-quality images following Amazon guidelines. Buyers go through all the product photos to see the product from different angles, and if the pictures are of bad quality, it represents the quality of the product. The investment in the photos will pay off in the future.


Number of Product Images

Even if it seems like an obvious point, it’s vital to point out that one picture isn’t enough to satisfy sellers’ needs. Upload as many photos as Amazon allows to present products from all sides, show how people use your product and how it can be used in different life situations.


A+ Content Optimization

If you want to build credibility with Amazon buyers, tell them about your brand and products in words and eye-catching pictures – A+ Content is the right tool. A+ Content provides an opportunity to offer sellers some valuable product data and graphic content. Amazon listing optimization also requires a good brand story that gives a human touch to the listing. Purchases are emotional actions. 

Amazon Product Listing A+ Content


Search Terms Field Optimization

There are a few rules Amazon sellers need to follow to improve the section with search terms as a part of Amazon product listing optimization:


  • Add misspellings
  • Add abbreviations
  • Include keywords that you didn’t use in the title
  • Don’t use the brand name or subjective terms. 


Product Reviews Optimization

Customers trust other customers’ opinions more than any experts. So before they check what buyers wrote about the products, they look at the number of reviews. For example, if customers compare two listings with 50 reviews and another one has 1500, they will click on the one with 1500. In addition, Amazon sellers can encourage buyers to leave a review through Amazon’s Reviewer program.

Sellers also need to request the removal of fake and irrelevant reviews because it’s a vital part of Amazon listing optimization. 

Last but not least, pay attention to the negative reviews. Find out what kind of problems buyers have with your product and try to fix them so next product listing viewers will see that you get in touch with disappointed buyers and care. 

Amazon Reviews Optimization


Product Rating Optimization

Ratings have the same optimization process as reviews. The more ratings you have, the more trustworthy you are for Amazon customers. Request many ratings and reviews via email campaigns to present to the customers how popular your product is.

Also, check whether the negative ratings and reviews have a pattern. Maybe many customers have the same problem, and you can fix it before a new negative review comes?

Product Rating Optimization


Competitive Pricing Optimization

Is your price competitive? What can Amazon listing optimization bring if your price is too different from competitors’ prices? On the other hand, way too low prices will seem weird to customers. Is there something wrong with the product?

Just analyze the competitors’ prices in your niche and think whether a little bit lower price will benefit you. Remember, there is nothing more important than staying profitable.

Competitive Pricing Optimization


Final Word

Pictures, title, bullet points, ratings, and reviews. Each Amazon product listing optimization component can make you a king of the niche or lower you to the bottom. Clicks, product listing engagement, conversion rates. All you need to be successful and profitable. Be sure you’re all set for breaking the walls of competition to the top.

Do not hesitate to turn to the help of professional software, agencies, or specialists. Then, all the investments will be paid lots of times.



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    A very interesting article and you covered lots of areas.

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