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Top 10 Best Amazon Seller Tools for an Advanced Level

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Ihor Dubovetskyi on May 13, 2022 in Top Lists

Top 10 Amazon Seller Tools


There are important software for Amazon beginners. There are Amazon seller tools that exist beyond brand development level, like Helium 10. Sellers’ activity is impossible without such software. 

However, also when business becomes advanced, it requires tools for Amazon sellers that can save a lot of time, optimize the brand and reach even better results. That is why Profit Whales decided to publish an Amazon tools list with software that are frequently used by our clients, 8-9 figure brands. 

Crucial to mention that this selection is subjective and we didn’t want to make it very big. We would like to make an Amazon tools list with 100 software, but it’s only coming. So, check out a list of top Amazon seller tools by Profit Whales and decide yourself which one is the best Amazon seller software.


Table of content:


Listing Optimization Software


Sellzone is an efficient Amazon seller tool that by now works with brands which sell on the USA Amazon Marketplace. They provide services of:


  • Traffic Insights – Reverse ASIN tool
  • Keyword Wizard – Keyword Research tool
  • Listing Quality Check – Audit tool 
  • Listing Alert – Monitoring tool
  • PPC Optimizer – Ad Automation tool (Beta)
  • Product Research – Free Product Research tool (Beta)
  • Split Testing – Free Split-Testing tool


The software works on the basis of three pricing types: free, $50 per month and $85 per month. The costs depend on the needs of brands. A big advantage of this Amazon selling tool is a 7-day free trial

Sellzone is not only a tool for advanced brands. Sellers that just started considering selling on Amazon can use their Product Research tool to analyze which product will be more profitable and successful on Amazon.

Sellzone Software



ZonGuru is powered by data insights and automation tools that supports North American, European, Indian and Australian Marketplaces. Here is a list of ZonGuru’s features: 


  • Product Research 
  • Listing Optimization
  • Business Metrics
  • Monitoring and Alerts 
  • Customer Engagement


ZonGuru supports North American, Australian, and European marketplaces. The pricing includes a 7-days free trial and free training, and it’s divided into monthly and annual payments. When customers know how often they prefer to pay, they choose between two packages of services: Researcher and Seller

This Amazon seller tool was created to help sellers find products to sell, maximize sales, scale their business and communicate with customers.

Zonguru Software


Inventory Software


SoStocked is Amazon inventory management software for Amazon sellers. This important tool provides sellers with full inventory management and forecasting services. They also help sellers with the next service: 


  • Forecast Modeling
  • Simultaneous Modeling 
  • Over-ordering/ Under-ordering
  • Ordering late, transferring late
  • Tracking orders/payment
  • Factor Sales/ Spikes/ Seasonality
  • Reorder Alerts
  • Purchase Orders 
  • KPI Dashboard, etc.


SoStocked customers pay $79 for the first month regardless of the plan they choose. Further software pricing is calculated based on your orders per month. The free trial is not provided. In the European Marketplace SoStocked currently supports the UK, Spain, France, Italy, and Germany.

Sostocked Software


Inventory and Advertising Software 


Daasity isn’t only Amazon but also Shopify software. For Amazon sellers, Daasity is a platform that cooperates with them and provides critical advertising and inventory data. The software focused on: 


  • Identifying customers that drive brands growth
  • Updating with real-time information
  • Creating data-driven automation and segments
  • Customizing reports to seller needs


To scale your business with Daasity, Amazon sellers need to select their annual company revenue, choose the service they require and contact Daasity. The solutions Daasity proposes to the customers will be provided based on data from 130+ pre-built customizable reports.

Daasity Software


Marketing and PR Software


SellerRocket is one of the best Amazon seller tools for Marketing and PR e-commerce activities. The tool connects e-commerce sellers and digital publishers to increase brand and product awareness, improve sales growth and many more benefits.

With SellerRocket, Amazon brands can: 


  • Gain product recognition through Amazon Editional Recommendations
  • Be featured in Publisher Product Review Articles


The fees are paid only if the publisher mentions the product in the article. SellerRocket has over 10 years of experience in e-commerce and PR, and they cooperated with more than 4000 brands only in 2021. 

Advanced brands might be aware that spreading work about their products is vital, but in order to do it correctly, they need specialists that can connect them with the right sources. 

SellerRocket Software


Feedback and Review


eComEngine is an Amazon growth accelerator that works with brands in more than 100 countries worldwide. eComEngine provides Amazon sellers with services of: 


  • Product Review Consultation
  • Buyer-Seller Messaging Optimization
  • Free Amazon Category Analysis
  • Additional Software Feedback and Review Services
  • Data-Driven Recommendations for Restocking
  • Product Research Services


The pricing of one of the best Amazon FBA tools varies based on the sellers’ needs. After signing up, the free trial is available.

The software is helpful for Amazon beginners and already advanced sellers. eComEngine saves tons of time, monitors reviews, gets feedback and review alerts and much more.

eComEngine Software


Pricing Solutions Software

Seller Snap

Seller Snap is a repricing software that supports sellers’ wish to make thoughtful and analyzed pricing decisions. This is an AI Amazon Repricer which basically means that the software makes all the work for the seller. The software work consists of:



Starting at $250, sellers can choose a cooperation plan with Seller Snap between standard, premium and unlimited. It will identify the further payments. Seller Snap also offers a standard 15-days free trial

In the case of pricing, a lot depends on competitors’ prices, and Seller Snap software compares them automatically. Obviously, it’s not the only big plus of this Amazon seller tool. However, knowing competitors’ behavior helps the software to create the best strategy for you to gain the most profit. 

Seller Snap Software



RepricerExpress is a tool to increase profit and improve sales growth. Amazon sellers that utilize RepricerExpress can see current pricing data across all your listings and all your marketplaces. The Amazon software can support sellers in questions of:


  • Buy Box & Top 20
  • Price changes
  • Filtering data
  • Filter your data
  • Bulk imports and exports 
  • Currency settings
  • File history 
  • Product overview
  • Product history, etc.


Like with many other Amazon seller tools, the pricing of RepricerExpress grows proportionally to the amount of service the software provides. A free trial is possible with any type of custom plan, and customers can cancel the subscription any time they want.

Repricer Express Software


Customer Study Software


Nozzle is a customer behavior software that improves sales growth based on data about customers. By turning to Nozzle you can find the following services:


  • Customer Lifetime Value Analytics Service
  • Customer Acquisition Analytics Service 
  • Additional Growth Opportunities can be opened when you choose one of two proposed custom plans


Nozzle offers two custom plans: essentials and premium. Essentials cost 77$ per month, premium – $500 per month. As well as with the previously described software, it is possible to sign up for a 14-days free trial. 

Nozzle supports brands on Amazon marketplaces in North America and Europe. 

Nozzle Software



PickFu is another customer solution software that gets necessary data directly from the target audience. Since it’s extremely important to understand what customers want and how they would like brands and products to be improved, PickFu conducts polls which help sellers make data-based decisions. 

PickFu’s approach is to connect with respondents and ask them questions that are vital for brands. One question can open hundreds of doors and give a wider understanding of all possible topics. 

The pricing varies from $0 per month to $299 per month with different services offered. 

PickFu Software


Final Word

The truth be told, there is no great achievement without work delegation. It might sometimes seem that a more secure way to reach your goal is to do everything on your own. 

Nevertheless, Amazon seller tools don’t only save a lot of time for sellers. They also provide sellers with expert services that brands can’t provide themselves. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to find specialists in every course needed while selling on Amazon.

So, don’t be afraid to turn to the expert software in order to save time, receive qualified service and be ensured that the work will be done on the best possible level. 

Stay tuned for even more useful information, practical insights and significant data from Profit Whales very soon!

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