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Latest Amazon News – August 2021

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Anastasiya Vyday on Sep 09, 2021 in News

Profit Whales changes Amazon news format just like Amazon improves every month for better customer experience. We are here, and we are ready to share even more valuable Amazon updates! The previous month was reached with fresh advertising features and not only. What happened in August?


Top-of-Search Impression Share

Amazon renews Ad Console by including a new metric – Top-of-search impression share (IS). IS provides sellers with their top search impressions data compared to all possible impressions in top-of-search. It brings advertising analysis to a new level! Florian Nottorf breaks this news into substantial points for better understanding right here: 

Information is taken from: Florian Nottorf

Top-of-search impression share


“Opportunities” Dashboard

Amazon Advertising has another development of great importance in August – recently added “Opportunities” Dashboard. As Mansour Norouzi tells in his post, the recommendations under this tab are based on 48 hours old data. It isn’t a promise that all those suggestions will be applicable to each ad campaign, however, some of them can be helpful.

Information is taken from: Mansour Norouzi

“Opportunities” Dashboard


Brand Metrics

Brand metrics expansion is happening! Business owners were waiting for a long time and now it’s finally easier to understand how well the brand attracts customers, to receive category insight on new-to-brand customers, and more. You can read about it in our CEO Ihor Dubovetskyi post:

Information is taken from: Ihor Dubovetskyi

Brand metrics


“Targeting” Tab

Advertising Console was definitely the star of the month. The new “Targeting” tab consists of all keywords, product, and auto targets. However, there is a negative side. The tab isn’t available for all accounts yet and doesn`t work properly for large record sets. Unfortunately, there is more to it. Joe Shelerud describes the new tab limitations more precise:

Information is taken from: Joe Shelerud

“Targeting” tab


Coupons in ASIN Targeting

Coupon is a feature that enlarges the traffic flow to the listing for sure. The big news is that coupons are now available in ASIN targeting. What a great way to attract customers’ attention from different listings! 

First saw: Liran Hirschkorn 

Coupons in ASIN targeting


Custom Imagery in Sponsored Display for the Amazon Advertising API

It’s now allowed to use custom imagery in Sponsored Display for the Amazon Advertising API. More creativity, many possibilities to make photos captivating and relevant for customers, and a better way to stand out among competitors! 

Information is taken from: Elizabeth Greene

Custom imagery in Sponsored Display for the Amazon Advertising API


Traffic Transition from “Out of Stock Listings” to “In Stock Listings”

Being often out of stock now brings your business even lower than before. Amazon drives traffic from listings that are often out of stock to listings that aren`t often out of stock! Here are more reasons why status “out of stock” is a serious issue:

Information is taken from: Ihor Dubovetskyi

Traffic transition from "out of stock" to "in stock listings"


Amazon Opens First Stores

Soon customers will have an opportunity to visit physical Amazon stores with over 100 private-label brands! The competition in many Amazon categories expands and levels up!

Information is taken from: Webretailer

Amazon first stores opening!


Amazon Quarterly Revenue per Employee

Amazon quarterly revenue per employee decreased twice in ten years. It went from $229,000 to $84,000. An interesting graph from Marketplace Pulse shows how the revenue line fells over years:

Information is taken from: Marketplace Pulse

Amazon quarterly revenue per employee decrease


Professional understanding of Amazon updates is crucial for the good business result, stay tuned for our new article about one of the Amazon August advertising innovations! 


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