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Latest Amazon News — October 2021

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Anastasiya Vyday on Nov 10, 2021 in News

Amazon news


Hey ho, how is Q4 going? Good that all the readers are here. Profit Whales has very important information to deliver — October Amazon News!


Amazon Ads “UnBoxed” New Features

Amazon Ads “UnBoxed” eight helpful advertising and measurement tools to refine brands’ connections with customers on reach, relevance, and results in levels. Let’s have a look at these updates:


On Reach Level

  • Interactive ads (video and audio)

Interactive ad is an advanced advertising format created to make customers’ engagement with the brand more efficient through their interaction with an ad. These ads are available in the form of video and audio.

Interactive video ads now allow requesting more info about the product and brand with the help of a QR code included in the ad or via email! 

dsNew product alert: Interactive Video A

Interactive Video Ads

Опубликовано Amazon Ads Вторник, 26 октября 2021 г.



Interactive audio ad is from 10- to 30-second audio on Amazon Music’s ad-supported tier that, like video ads, include CTA. 

New product alert: Interactive Audio Ads

New product alert: Interactive Audio Ads. #amazonunboxed

Опубликовано Amazon Ads Вторник, 26 октября 2021 г.



  • Brand Follow

Brand Follow, a feature that is currently available in the USA, multiplies how customers can follow the brands they are interested in. Now it’s possible to follow a brand through notifications when a brand is about to stream on Amazon Live, also across Stores and Posts.

Brand Follow


  • Sponsored Display in live streams on Twitch 

Sponsored Display ads already appear on the Twitch browse tab and directory pages! They are integrated into live streams to allow brands to expand their audience in multiple countries. 


On Relevance Level

  • Advertiser data sets

Advertisers can now upload their own pseudonymized data and query them into their AMC  Amazon Marketing Cloud instance. It is a new holistic approach to improve cross-channel marketing. 

  • New instructional query library

Amazon launched an instructional query library that consists of templated analytics queries across different measurement options. It can be accessed in the AMC UI. 

Instructional Query Library


On Results Level 

  • Brand Metrics

Brand Metrics is a freshly launched tool that empowers brand performance analysis and provides data about brand awareness, consideration, and improvement within a certain period. Also, Brand Metrics compares brands to the one in TOS and the rest in the niche.

Brand Metrics


  • Amazon Brand Lift

Amazon Brand Lift is a feature made for advertisers to view and create reportings that will help them have an understanding of awareness, purchase intent, and ad recall. Brand Lift is powered by the Amazon Shopper Panel.

Amazon Brand Lift

Learn more details about new Amazon features here.


New Documentation Requirements for Supplements

Amazon increases verification regulations and requests new documentation from food supplements sellers that should prove products’ safety. There is no full list of sub-categories falling under new laws. However, sexual enhancement and weight loss supplements are checked primarily. 


Amazon Launched the Product Research Tool “Product Opportunity Explorer.”

Probably, every seller knows how challenging it can be to decide what product they want to sell on Amazon. As the platform always tries to simplify sellers’ experience, Amazon launched the tool that must help with this decision. An internal data-based Amazon tool gives third-party sellers a better understanding of what niches on Amazon are unfilled and what products can sellers create and sell.

Product Opportunity Explorer


New Carrier Tracking Requirement & In-Stock Head Start 

Important announcement for European Amazon marketplace sellers! FBA sellers who use non-partnered carrier shipments are required to provide the name and tracking ID of chosen supplier. If sellers provide tracking numbers, the inventory can qualify for In-Stock Head Start, and the product will show as Active on the Manage Inventory page. US sellers might need to get ready for this novation as well!

Check out Top Amazon Seller News for information about new documents for supplements sellers, the ‘Product Opportunity Explorer’ tool, and New carrier tracking requirement & In-Stock Head Start. 


“Contact Customer” Tool

Amazon introduced a new tool that allows sellers to contact customers who left negative reviews of 1, 2, or 3 stars. Sellers have a choice for these messages of two fixed templates. It’s a chance to improve bad customer experience! 

More details are here.

“Contact Customer”


Brand Analytics Upgrade 

New product performance reports will be added in Brand Analytics. They will be available in 2022 for brands registered on Amazon. The Search Analytics Dashboard will include Query Performance Dashboard and Catalog Performance Dashboard. 

More details are here.


Sponsored Display News

Sponsored Display added purchases remarketing and customer lookback windows. Purchases remarketing reach an audience that already purchased advertised or related products. Lookback window shows views remarketing and repurchases within 7, 14 or 30 days. 

Sponsored Display news

Credit for information: Joe Shelerud


Store Remarketing 

Remarketing was definitely a star of October. New Store Remarketing is a tool that allows ADSP to target audiences that viewed the seller’s Storefront in the last 30-90 days. 

Read about Store Remarketing in the post from Profit Whales CEO Vitalii Khyzhniak.

Come back for more next month!



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