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How to Run Google Ads for Amazon Products?

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Anastasia Selukova on Sep 07, 2022 in Step by Step Guides

How to Run Google Ads For Amazon Products


When you run a Google Ads campaign to your Amazon listings, it will take time for your bestseller and product rankings to boost.

Read on to learn a few tips on advertising Amazon products on Google, optimizing your campaigns, and understanding the steps to take as an Amazon seller after launching Google Ads for Amazon products.


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What Is the Initial Aim of External Traffic Campaigns?

The purpose of directing your Google advertising campaigns to Amazon PPC listing is not a conversion or direct ROI. Instead, it is to send external tag signals and tags to product listing pages so that the platform recognizes and rewards your item’s organic ranking.


How Do Google Ads Work?

Google Ads are primarily based on text and keywords, just like ads for Amazon Sponsored Products.

There are multiple types of campaigns in Google Ads. However, we will mainly highlight Google Search Ads, previously known as Google AdWords. This is because they are the most straightforward to set up and will, in all likelihood, generate substantial profits for your company.

Google Search Ads display advertisements in the search results above the organic search.

With Google Search Ads, you can target specific keywords or search terms and bid to display your ads on SERP. However, depending on the competition, you may require a higher bid to get impressions.

Your ad delivery depends on other factors and your bid amount. However, it comprises the relevance of your ad, an ad group, a landing page, and your account’s historical performance.

The best way to bid and pay for Google Ads is CPC. It means you pay X dollars for every click on your ad.


What Advertising Types Does Google AdWords Offer for Amazon Online Marketing?

Google is gigantic in terms of advertising and provides the following types of ads.


Google Shopping Ads

advertise amazon products on google


When you search for an item on the search engine, specific product images and pricing appear at the top of the page. The goods might come from various websites. Being paid, such advertisements have the text ‘Sponsored’ in the upper right corner. Since images also accompany these search results, they are more likely to be clicked on in terms of ads than text.

If you want to create Shopping Campaigns or Google Shopping Ads to increase your sales for your Amazon store, it is impossible. Nonetheless, if you wonder how to advertise Amazon products on Google, text ads are an exception. If you set them up correctly, you can attract potential buyers.


Google Search Ads

how to advertise amazon products on google


These are text ads for Google search results. It has an ‘Ad’ label to indicate that they are derived from an advertisement. You may add subsections of your site to this page. It will show up as a link in the ad.


Google Remarketing Ads

amazon ads on google


If a user comes to your site and abandons it, the ads for your item will begin to appear on the other online resources that person visits. Many users at first cannot decide what to purchase. Instead, they browse and compare items across many websites. Therefore, displaying ads for your product on the online resources they visit has a higher conversion probability. The conversion becomes even easier if they stumble upon the same item with an offer.


Google/YouTube Display Advertising

amazon google ads


It is an Internet advertising type that comes in different formats, such as banner ads, rich media, and others. In contrast with text advertising, this ad type uses elements such as images, video, and audio to convey an advertising message. Using display advertising, you can show ads based on interests and demographics. However, unlike remarketing ads, you cannot target specific prospects but the audience you want.


Video Advertisements

google ads to amazon


They are mostly done through ads that show up in YouTube videos. The videos are displayed only to the users you want, and you only get charged as they watch your video. Switching to video ads will require additional effort to create video content for ads. Such advertising might not be suitable for new sellers and will be more efficient if you already have a brand name.


How Essential Are Google Ads for Amazon Sellers?

The general concept is simple: the more sales channels there are, the more prospects see your selling item and the more users purchase it.

Thus, advertising on Google Ads can help you boost sales and consequently increase your organic ranking.

What is more, external traffic channels such as Google help build your customer list, which is something you cannot do on Amazon. So let’s review the benefits of using Amazon Ads on Google.

Want to Use All The Amazon External Traffic Tricks?

Learn more about the benefits of Google and social media external traffic.


Boost Sales and Rankings

The common goal of marketing campaigns is usually to increase sales.

About half of all potential buyers use Amazon search when they want to purchase. However, it pushes multiple users to begin their search elsewhere – typically in Google Ads. You miss out on these clients if you do not launch Google Ads.

Case in point – let’s assume your keyword gets 3000 searches a month in the marketplace. And another situation is where this keyword gets 1500 searches per month in a search engine. You will receive 50% more monthly leads if all these queries are unique. Therefore, hypothetically, you can increase sales by 50% by expanding your reach with Google Ads.

Do you know what is good about boosting sales on Amazon? Not only extra money on your account. Such an increase in sales is also directly related to the rise in search rankings in the marketplace, as sales speed is a solid ranking factor.

It means that even if you are breakeven from Google Ads sales, you can benefit in the long run through the domino effect of your item’s growth in Amazon’s organic rankings.


Evergreen Traffic

AdWords is a rich source of evergreen traffic. As a result, you won’t need the same continual maintenance as, for example, Facebook ads.

As soon as you optimize your ads and your CPC is within your reach, your advertisements can run in the background, whereas you focus more on other functions.


Google Ads’ Similarities to Amazon PPC

Amazon sellers have an easier time understanding AdWords due to their similarity to Amazon PPC or Sponsored Product Ads.

There is a copywriting element to use in Google Ads and optimize your Quality Score. However, beyond that, it all comes down to picking the relevant keywords and investing in ones that pay off.

Using Amazon PPC, you will not have as much of a learning curve with Google Ads as other external traffic sources.


Collect Emails and Build Your Audience

An underestimated aspect of Google Ads is the possibility of making a list.

Amazon does not provide access to your client’s private information like an email, contact number, etc. Thus, a sure way to make a customer list is to collect that information before they get to Amazon.

An email list gives you many benefits, like receiving testimonials and product reviews, creating retargeting audiences, and launching releases and promotions without spending much money on advertising.


What Is the Best Time to Run Google Ads to Amazon?

Leveraging Google Ads throughout the campaign is especially crucial at the start. Enabling Google Ads allows you to receive organic ranking seedings on the Amazon product page.

Everything is at stake in the first couple of months of an NP’s life. Naturally, therefore, every launched campaign should have Google ads.


How to Use Google Ads for Amazon Products?

You might be surprised that 25% of Amazon sellers get right with Google Ads to advertise their items.

The Amazon AdWords strategy uses the most extensive web search engine and online advertising platform to boost sales, rankings, and BSR and provide added value for your Amazon business.

At first glance, the figure of 25% might seem higher than expected. However, as soon as you understand that the average ROI for Google Ads is 200%, we bet you might change your mind.

If the average Google Ads marketer gets $2 for every $1 spent, why aren’t you using Google Ads yet?

Of course, 75% of Amazon sellers miss a good chance by not leveraging Google Ads. This ratio probably includes you and your competitors. Thus, you will surpass your competitors if you start using Google Ads to advertise your products.


Directly to Amazon Listing

As a rule, sellers run Google ads directly to Amazon listing if they:

  • want to quickly launch advertising with minimal cost (without a landing page);
  • work on a small budget;
  • use just one source of external traffic to Amazon.

‘Upload a file to create in bulk’ is a standard method to create ad campaigns. It is the one that Amazon recommends itself. Amazon Attribution’s link-building process is tied to keywords.

Pros of running Google ads directly to Amazon listing:

  • Improves keyword rankings;
  • Requires minimum actions from the user.

Cons of running Google ads directly to Amazon listing:

  • Ad optimization does not work.

In terms of ad optimization, we conduct it blindly, and sales or any other micro-conversions are not transferred to the advertising accounts. Therefore, we cannot use automatic optimization to improve advertising performance.


Through the Landing Page With the Collection of Emails for a Listing Coupon

Sellers run Google ads through the landing page with the collection of emails for a listing coupon if they:

  • have a medium to large advertising budget;
  • have the ability to create landing pages;
  • use one or more sources of external traffic to Amazon;
  • work with email marketing.

They are driving traffic to Amazon through a landing page (a layout website for internal viewing only) by adding an Amazon Attribution link to a button with a special discount/coupon offer. The user will be redirected to the product page on Amazon by clicking on it.

Pros of running Google ads through the landing page with the collection of emails for a listing coupon:

  • It is possible to link events in the ad account to a button click and optimize advertising for them;
  • You can collect user emails for further email marketing work;
  • We transfer Cross Channel data (e.g., from Facebook, Instagram, Google, TikTok, and Pinterest to different landing pages with one domain, where Meta Pixel, Pinterest tag, DSP tag, and About TikTok Pixel are installed). It allows us to track user data from different sources and transfer it to other platforms. By bringing a user from TikTok to this landing, all snippets catch that user and can use them in their ad campaigns for retargeting or creating an LLA (Look-a-Like Audience). The latter are algorithms that find a similar audience to users on our website or those who have done specific target actions – a cold audience.

Cons of running Google ads through the landing page with the collection of emails for a listing coupon:

  • We increase the User Path. Hence the conversion of the target action is significantly reduced.


Through the Landing Page on Social Media Promo Code

Sellers run Google ads through the landing page on social media promo codes if they:

  • Have a medium to large advertising budget;
  • Have the ability to create landing pages;
  • Use one or more sources of external traffic to Amazon;
  • Are only interested in organic growth without email marketing and want to increase the conversion of the landing page that takes almost twice fewer actions as email collections.

It is regarded as the best option between the first and the second. Social Media Promo Code is a page with one or more products, similar in design to Amazon (though it does not have competitors’ products). The coupon is automatically applied to it (reduces the number of actions and improves conversion). It can be accessed by a link so that a random user does not use the offer, and we bind Amazon Attribution to it.

Pros of running Google ads through the landing page on social media promo code:

  • Optimizing it for the transfer to Amazon;
  • Transferring Cross Channel data.

Cons of running Google ads through the landing page on social media promo code:

  • Valid for 30 days only.


How to Set Up a New Campaign on Google Ads?

It can be daunting at first if you are new to the Google advertising platform. However, there are six steps to help you set up a new Google Ads campaign:

  1. Set up your Google account;
  2. Add payment details;
  3. Leverage the keyword research you did for Amazon PPC and run an exact match campaign on Google. Make a list of 15-20 most relevant targeting terms;
  4. Assign the campaign to your product’s primary link to Amazon;
  5. Set a budget of $5-50 per day (along with Amazon PPC and other essential things to do and rank in the marketplace);
  6. Start running by creating a new campaign.


Step 1: Create Your Google Ads Account

If you haven’t set up your Google Ads account, go to ads.google.com to start.

You will see the smart campaign screen when you first create an account. It is a guided version of the campaign setting up process. You may follow it to get your advertisement up and running quickly, or you can click Switch to Expert Mode to fully control your campaign.

If you want to set up an account without running a ready-made campaign, switch to Expert Mode and click ‘Create an account without a campaign.’ Then, provide information about your company, and that’s it.


Step 2: Set Up a New Campaign

You may start setting up your campaign from the dashboard of your Google Ads account. Click ‘New Campaign.’

Initially, it would be better to determine an aim. Goals comprise Sales, Leads, Website Traffic, and Brand Awareness and Reach. Regardless of what you select here, you may still customize your campaign the way you want.

However, you should select the right goal to help you track and analyze your performance. For example, choose Sales if your primary goal is sales/ranking growth. On the other hand, if you focus on list building, select Leads.

By doing this, you will select the campaign type. We are going to select Search Ads. Then, you will choose how to achieve your goal. Select Website visits.


Step 3: Campaign Setting

Begin with giving the campaign a noticeable name.

For this, turn off the Search Network and Display Network. Then, you may choose a start and end date for your campaign.

After that, set the location you sell your goods in and your prospects’ language. Finally, place your budget and bid.


Step 4: Ad Groups

Ad groups are sets of ads mainly for a group of related keywords. When you start, you can only have one ad group.

You will select a default bid and the keywords you want to target for your ad group.

Keywords are the primary thing to pay attention to. Google will generate a list of suggested keywords based on your landing page. However, it will probably be too broad, so you can delete them and start over.


Step 5: Ads

You will need some basic understanding of copywriting to set up successful Google Search Ads (AdWords).

You have a limited space to give details of your selling item, an offer, or the reason for prospects to click on the link.

For the best outcome, create two ads per group. The search engine will automatically A/B test them and determine a winner.


Step 6: AdWords Conversion Tracking for Amazon Products

It is essential to track conversions with paid traffic. Otherwise, you are driving blindly because you are unaware of the authentic results of the ad spend.

Getting suitable with AdWords conversion tracking, you will be able to determine:

  • What keywords work for you;
  • What your cost per conversion is;
  • What your conversion rate is;
  • The event code – the snippet of code that fires once a conversion occurs. It is beneficial since it allows the search engine to optimize your bids for a particular conversion event.


How to Maximize Google Ads for Amazon Listings: Useful Post-Launch Tips

Undoubtedly, leveraging Google to showcase your goods to more prospects will give you a competitive edge over other major players on Amazon.

Launching Google Ads for Amazon listings is just the opening towards your ultimate eCommerce success. After launch, here’s what you must do to ensure you are moving in the right direction to improve your business.


Set Your Goals

Make sure to decide how much you are ready to spend on conversion. It is a way to make your AdWords campaigns money-worth.

We recommend setting a maximum cost-per-revenue (CPR). It is the ratio between cost and turnover. Undoubtedly, the amount you may spend is a personal choice and depends on how high your margin is.

If you can stabilize your CPR target, you will always have the same amount of income. Therefore, you do not have to worry about total expenses or maximum budgets.

The correct account structure matters. Campaigns and Ad groups are two primary hierarchical levels that build your account’s structure. The basic structure should be tailored to your product portfolio and features.


Integrate Conversion Tracking

Google provides a tool that lets you track all the actions after you click on an ad on your website. Accurate tracking is crucial to leveraging Google AdWords for your online store.

This way, you can determine how many conversions your ads have generated, how much revenue you have spent, and what campaigns are the most efficient or poor. Besides, it is a prerequisite for optimizing your campaigns to fulfill your aims.


Leverage the Relevant Amazon-Related Keywords

If you are optimizing your Amazon listing for specific keywords, you can leverage those exact keywords in the search engine. Nonetheless, remember that users on Google are typically still in the research phase, whereas Amazon users are ready to buy.

Although getting Google Ads search terms directly from Amazon is usually a bright idea, you should be more specific with Google. So make sure you are doing it right.


Separate Brand Keywords from Generic Keywords

Set up a custom campaign for all searches directly associated with your brand.

Brand keywords are rarely competitive, and Google gives them a high-quality score, so you must pay comparatively low prices for CTR. In addition, because the searcher intends to visit your website, the CTR and conversion rate will be higher than in regular campaigns.

Capture your branded keywords individually so that your other campaigns do not get degraded by branded traffic. It is the only way to evaluate and optimize brand-related words.

The effectiveness of a brand campaign depends on the demand for your brand or familiarity with your store.


Add Negative Keywords

Whether you are endeavoring to rank organically in the marketplace, set up Amazon Sponsored Products, or conduct a Google Ads campaign to force your internal efforts, you cannot underestimate the significance of constant keyword negation.

Add negative keywords to the Google Ads campaign to prevent your selling item from appearing for irrelevant search terms. However, it will still ensure your goods reach the right customers.


Improve Your UX

The solution to efficiently running Google Ads for Amazon listings is leveraging the collected data to test and optimize overtime – not only ads but also where you send prospects.

Usually, when people click on your ad in Google Ads, they are automatically redirected to a landing page or an interstitial page that lets you optimize the URL, title, body text, etc.

Although you are a bit less versatile on Amazon in design and customization, you should ensure your description, images, and feedback are catchy.


Keep Patience

The success of your Google Ads for Amazon listing will depend on experimentation, but that will come with time. In the meantime, make small changes if needed but do not significantly change your bids, budget, or conversions. Unfortunately, this can disrupt the Google Ads learning phase, which is the time it takes for Google Ads to study your topic, gather necessary data, and optimize your ads.

Be patient and leave Google Ads for at least 90 days to learn.


Final Word

This article is a simplified version of how to run Google Ads for Amazon products. It is designed for newbies diving into advertising on Google for the first time.

Once you are comfortable with Amazon, Google Ads, and your devised strategy, you will be able to experiment more with different bid options and campaign types.

But first, you need to use Google Ads and Amazon by taking what you already know and leveraging it to add another powerful sales channel to your arsenal.


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