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Top 10 Amazon Holiday eCommerce Tips

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Victoria Melnychuk on Feb 22, 2022 in Checklists

holiday selling ecommerce tips


It’s been quite a year for the eCommerce world. And even though Q4 is now over, besides Cyber Monday, Black Friday, Prime Day, and Christmas, Amazon has a lot of other important sales events throughout the whole year. These dates are especially important for small business owners who want to cash in on as many sales as possible. With the help of several holiday eCommerce tips, we’ll show you how to make the most of those days and increase holiday sales in 2022.


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Holiday eCommerce Tips to Boost Amazon Sales

A strong start is the most important part of preparing to sell during the holidays. Sales cycles are shorter, and competition is tougher, which means you need to be ready to scale your efforts with a laser focus on achieving your goals. We’re rounding up the timeline of Amazon’s hottest selling dates to get you ready for the holiday rush.

Amazon's Hottest Selling Dates 2022


Why is this list so important to remember?

Picking the right time of year to sell your product can make a huge difference in your holiday funnel. Being prepared with your holiday eCommerce strategy is crucial to ensuring your eCommerce success in the upcoming holiday season.

Now, let’s get down to the holiday eCommerce tips to get you armed for these dates.


Adjust Your Inventory To Your Holiday eCommerce Strategy

Inventory management is an important factor influencing sellers’ income and losses. Thankfully, the time-saving and headache-preventing principles of inventory preparation are now better understood than ever before. Just follow these simple steps:


  • Pick the products you will be actively selling this season: basically, you need to clearly define the key products you want to sell on each separate holiday. Use metrics such as previous years’ shopping trends and current trends to determine which product to sell.
  • Set your data in order and be ready to monitor orders: double-check your product and forecasting data before inserting numbers into your inventory forecasting software to avoid any possible mistakes. 
  • Have a plan for both ordering enough inventory and avoiding overstock: basically, you need to make sure you ordered enough items to make a profit, but you also want to dodge ordering too many goods. These are tough things to figure out, so you need to make accurate calculations or resort to professionals for help. 
  • Figure out the time to make an order and ship it into Amazon: deciding on when to ship inventory and how soon you need products at Amazon usually depends on two factors: the place (country) your stock is arriving from and the Amazon business model (private label or wholesale).
  • Edit and revise your listings: to be competitive in the marketplace, your listings will need to have holiday-themed descriptions and images to give your business a differentiating factor. Since there are many different ways to optimize your listings, run A/B testing to decide which version works best for your holiday eCommerce strategy.


Remember, whatever products you’re selling, there’s a time and a place for each. The best way to prepare your inventory for the holidays is by utilizing seasonal insights and choosing products that are intended for the holidays.


Build a Strong PPC Campaign to Boost Holiday Sales

It might take trial and error to build a PPC campaign that will actually bring you leads and sales, but the end result will be worth it. There are a lot of factors you have to take into account when setting up a PPC campaign, including your niche and industry, the geographic location of your audience, the keywords you want to target, the type of impact you want, and your budget.

Keep in mind the following tips:


  • Commence at the bottom; work your way up with the keywords.
  • Track top keywords for your listing and their ranking.
  • Optimize your bids based on placements.
  • Group individual variations into one single package.
  • Launch PPC campaigns for your best-performing ASIN.
  • Implement alternative keyword targeting.
  • List products with the same price in the same campaigns.
  • Structure campaigns based on product performance.
  • Target your own products to get more exposure.
  • Target products that appear on Google Ads.
  • Measure your audience’s buying behavior.



Get Creative with Your Promotions and Marketing

Holiday marketing is about focus and momentum. And this is where your brand can bring in much impact. Branding is how the company is able to influence the market. This means that you can use your brand to push the envelope with your promotions. 

But to compete in today’s tight market, sellers must become more creative with how they position their brand. 

This can be a little tricky when you’re a small-business owner because you might be selling exactly the same thing as your competitors. But there are always ways to push your brand further. This article might help you a lot.

Promotion and marketing go beyond sales enablement. For example, it can be a case of simply giving a discount for a limited time, which could lead to incentivizing loyal customers to share a post with their networks. Whatever goal you’ve set for your marketing strategy should start with a strategic scheme and a clearly defined target audience. What will work best for your business depends on your audience, so make sure you’re clear on that.

According to SmartInsights, marketing budgets take up 26.6% of the total budgets across companies.

The Allocation of the Marketing Budget


It’s a tough nut to crack when it comes to marketing. People want a promotion that is personalized, authentic and creates an emotional response, and there is so much noise out there that it’s difficult to know what really works for your brand. Investing in Amazon SEO and content marketing efforts will be worth the time and effort.


Prepare Your Gift Cards and Coupons

As an Amazon seller, you know how important it is to attract a diverse audience and meet the needs of your potential customers. One of the ways to achieve that is an interest in incentives, discounts, and deals. You also know that customer retention and conversion rate is the key to success on the Amazon platform. The good news is — Amazon provides merchants with opportunities to let their customers feel great by handing them a gift card or coupon to purchase something else.

To be successful as a seller, your business has to be customer-centric. Amazon gift cards and promotions for the holiday season are the way to achieve that.


Push Your Products On Social Media

It’s no secret that leads and sales all depend on pushing products and services on social media. In order to keep social media in line with your business goals, you need to monitor your social media campaigns performance thoroughly. You need to be aware of how the social media platforms work, which content is perceived best at each separate social media platform and how your competition is using those platforms.


Update Your Profile and Cover Photos

Every Amazon business wants to generate leads, build a community, and boost holiday sales. But the most important task for modern Amazon sellers is making themselves stand out among the noise. This can be partly achieved by updating their online profiles and covering photos that reflect the company’s most relevant and important campaigns while keeping them in line with brand style. This is necessary to always keep the store recognizable.

Social media profiles are one of the most important pieces of your business. The information you share, the content you create, your “attire” –  all this will assure you belong in your niche or industry. Social networks are constantly updating, and as the updates roll out, you want to make sure you can adapt your old styles to the new ones.


Embrace Short Videos for Social Media

Social media use is increasing, but brands are struggling to catch up. Social media’s recent trend is short-form video – a quick and effective way to grow and engage audiences on their social channels. 

The graph below illustrates the average time spent per session on short-form video platforms globally as of March 2021 in minutes.

Average Duration of Session watching short videos

source: Statista


The thing is, short-form videos can be an extension of your brand that hinges more on emotion and character than on formalities. This is a good way of attracting new audiences and engaging current ones. So, consider creating more videos and less text-based postings.


Use Every Content Form to Promote Your Store

There are various different kinds of content you could use to promote your store, but the key point is to keep it fresh and varied. This way, you create an irresistible content offering, which can be an effective tool to grow your business. 

Keep in mind these holiday eCommerce tips for implementing into your content development strategy:


  • Create appealing and bright content that will make your store stand out.
  • Use various forms of content to get your product in front of people on various platforms. 
  • Test various types of content and use metrics to measure success and ensure your content helps drive conversions.  


You can also mix up your content and ads, so they work better together. You could write blog posts that have both SEO functions as well as ad functions embedded, or get creative and do a well-written product review as an organic post to drive organic traffic.


Elaborate on the Landing Page of your Store

The landing page is a way to show off your products and educate visitors in order to encourage them to take the desired action. The ability to create a winning landing page starts with the content, but given today’s time-pressed target audience, making it effective is tougher than before. 

But no worries, we have several tips for you to help you win your visitors over:


  • Make it neat and accurate: design your page in a way so that visitors can clearly see what you’re serving/selling as soon as they see it. It is imperative that all elements of your chosen page work in tandem with the conversion objective.
  • Use a solid headline to disclose your value proposition: it is enough to describe your product in three to five shouting words to help the visitors understand why they need it. 
  • Prove that you can be trusted: with the help of testimonials, famous partners, or a large number of customers, you can show your visitors that your offering is reliable.
  • Customize your landing pages for specific audiences: this step is vital because if you use various platforms for product promotion, you’ll be reaching different audiences. 
  • Test: it takes trial and error to design a great landing page. You’ll have to test and measure results in order to see how the landing page is performing and what needs to be changed.


Get Ready for Key Shopping Dates Early On

The consumer shopping tradition is generating huge profits during the holiday season, and the more inventive you are with your ads, the better. While shoppers have historically limited holiday sales to a few key dates, as of now, the online sales rush has spread from November to the end of December (not taking into account other important days throughout the entire year).

Q4 is known to be the biggest sales period for Amazon sellers, so we recommend that you start getting ready for it as soon as possible. Remember these key holidays:


  • Halloween: Halloween denotes the start of the holiday shopping season. This is exactly the time to heat up your community by sending them emails and notifying them of upcoming sales and lucrative deals. Consider using emails to ensure your customers are always aware of what’s going on in your store.
  • Black Friday & Cyber Monday: If you want to boost holiday sales during November, tantalize flash deals. In order to beat your competitors, drive hype across social media and push conversions with the help of regular flash sales. 
  • Super Saturday Christmas Eve: this is the time when many shoppers use last minutes for finding the ideal gift for their friends and close ones. At this time, many consumers will be searching for little presents for colleagues and corporate events. That’s why it’s the perfect opportunity to advertise both huge gifts, like electronics, and small ones like scarfs and sweets. 
  • New Year: this important holiday means a big boost for eCommerce stores. It’s the time when shoppers will be looking for significant gifts for their family and friends, so make sure you have exciting items in your stock. Also, many people plan to learn new things in the new year (like playing the guitar or going hiking). The possibilities here are countless. What you need to do is be ready with your offering.


Final Word

Starting an eCommerce business is turning out to be a highly profitable endeavor for many individuals, even despite the pandemic. However, the landscape is heavily saturated with sellers, so standing out from the crowd can be tough. As businesses get their products and their stores ready to sell on Amazon, they need to make sure they have their calendars well-prepared.

We’ve compiled these holiday eCommerce tips for you to get ready for the shopping rush during major sales dates on Amazon. If you have any questions left, contact us for more info! Here at Profit Whales, we’ve become experts at finding the best ways to connect with prospective clients, build rapport, and close the deal. With us, you’ll learn how to use your data, choose the right types of keywords, and build strong PPC campaigns!


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