profit whales

Profit Whales — One of the Top Amazon PPC Agencies by Clutch

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Ihor Dubovetskyi on Mar 21, 2022 in News

Top Amazon PPC Agency by Clutch


Profit Whales is a full-service marketing agency dedicated to helping businesses accelerate their growth through modern Amazon marketing solutions. We’re a team of digital professionals that leads our partners toward scaling their operations and diversifying their revenue streams. We take pride in our ability to bring out the best in our clients’ branding to highlight their competitive advantage.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been featured on Clutch, a company resource that helps businesses collect ratings and reviews. According to the platform, we’re listed among the Top Amazon PPC Agencies in 2022.

Clutch 2022 B2B Leaders


Clutch is a B2B market research firm that aims to connect businesses of all sizes with the services they require to tackle their challenges. Clutch cuts through disorganized market research by collecting client feedback and analyzing industry data.


“We really appreciate the awards from Clutch because it’s a trustworthy platform! We launched our profile three months ago, and we already have 11 reviews. What’s more, Profit Whale is among the TOP PPC agencies! 

This is just the beginning and one more confirmation that we are on the right track. This award is the merit of our team, as well as our clients. Their brands inspire us to devote ourselves 100% to work and show the maximum result. Their trust motivates us for successful experiments, and their support makes us reach new heights daily.

We at Profit Whales say: “Trust is 2022’s main currency!” We value each client! Excellent results are our gratitude for the cooperation.”


—Vitalii Khyzhniak, CEO at Profit Whales


Check out the reviews on our Clutch profile to learn more about our projects.

For inquiries about our services, please get in touch with us!


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