
Brands Video

Closed and unique online event about the influence of Sponsored Brands Video on business development. Top experts talk about SBV, analyze its details, and provide concrete examples and recommendations.

  • 250 participants
  • Top-speakers
  • Online event
  • June 30, 2021

Webinar about Sponsored Brands Video from Amazon Advertising Expert and Profit Whales PPC-Expert. Find out why SBV advertising is a necessity for every Amazon brand.

Count every second till the Event

About the webinar

Sponsored Brands Video (SBV) is one of the latest Amazon improvements. It changed the perception of advertising possibilities and opened new horizons for selling businesses with big potential.

The webinar is dedicated to Sponsored Brands Video and everything viewers want to know about it: ad structure, features, the process of launching, requirements, and the reasons to promote brands and products with this ad format.

The actual examples are reinforced with Best Practices, Case Studies, and essential details showing the participants and viewers why SBV is special.

Most importantly, Amazon progressive brand developers can learn more about the advantages of SBV from advertising top-experts in simple words and only with indispensable info!


    The event takes place in Zoom

    All the accepted participants will receive the link personally.

  • WHEN

    June 30, 2021 at 18:00
  • WHY

    Sponsored Brands Advertising has a hidden potential and not every brand owner knows about it. We want to open as many secrets as possible about this ad model and help those who want to improve their brands.



  • Steve Fruchter

    1. Senior Product Manager at Amazon
    2. Amazon Brand Advertising and Shopping Expert
    3. 5 years experience in the Product Strategy Management
  • Vitalii Khyzhniak

    1. CGO at Profit Whales
    2. Amazon PPC Expert
    3. The host of Dr. Amazon Podcast

for Amazon brand owners and marketing managers who want to:

  1. talk with Amazon representative directly and ask about video advertising
  2. launch video ad in the most effective way
  3. improve the video advertising results
  4. learn more about video advertising algorithms

How we choose participants

As is known, Sponsored Brands Beta advertising is only available for registered brands on Amazon and we want to help them develop their businesses and answer questions about SBV so they will improve their results.

That is why the main requirement for Webinar participation is having an officially registered brand on Amazon and being interested in SBV launch or development!

It is a closed event with only 250 places available. Amazon users who want to participate can fill in the registration form (the button is down below), write the questions about SBV they want to ask, and send it. Amazon and Profit Whales Teams will do the research and pick participants with the most interesting questions. Each user is going to receive an email with an answer and, afterward, a Zoom link to the Webinar.

This special Amazon & Profit Whales online event is an exclusive chance for Amazon brands to learn and ask everything they wanted about SBV!

What to expect

  • 1

    Amazon Advertising Expert will present the next information:

    1. Introduction to the Sponsored Brands ads
    2. What is Sponsored Brands Video?
    3. How to set up a SBV campaign
    4. Feature run-through
  • 2

    Profit Whales PPC Expert will raise the following issues:

    1. The reasons to choose this ad format
    2. What is necessary for launching SBV?
    3. SBV Best Practices
    4. Case Studies
  • 3


About Organizers

Amazon is a multinational technology company focused on e-commerce. It is the largest online marketplace in the world that supports sellers and brands. The platform provides them with more and more new opportunities to expand their business to different countries all over the world, grow their profit and, develop brand awareness.

Profit Whales is a business accelerator that offers advertising services for sellers and brands trading on Amazon. The mission of the agency is to cooperate with brands to analyze the Amazon advertising campaigns collecting necessary data and building a marketing approach to increase income and achieve the desired goals.


  1. Filled registry form
  2. Approval from the organizers
  3. Interesting questions about Sponsored Brands Video Ads

The duration of the Webinar is 1-2 hours.

There are only 250 places available that is why not every registered user can participate in Webinar.

The Webinar takes place in Zoom. Participants will receive an email with a link. This link is private and is forbidden to share.

The 10 most interesting questions will be chosen to be answered by the Experts.

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