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Latest Amazon News — December 2021

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Anastasiya Vyday on Jan 06, 2022 in News

Amazon news


The final month of 2021 has passed. During the year Amazon has changed, there was a lot of analyzing, experiencing, and experimenting. So many interesting and unexpected things have happened that Profit Whales decided to gather all the most important updates in the article “The Results of the Year: What happened on Amazon in 2021?”

Also, there was enough space for predictions from Amazon experts that we assembled in the forecasting article “Amazon Predictions 2022”. But before moving forward into 2022, let’s have a look at Amazon news from the previous month.


Responsive eCommerce Creative Supports Customer Reviews

Advertisers can now complement the ad copy with customer review because of Responsive eCommerce creative update. Sellers can choose the review size from the 8 different creative sizes Amazon provides. The review in ad copy is allowed to have up to 116 characters. Including review in the ad, creatives can reassure buyers that they are making the right decision purchasing the item. 

eCommerce creative update


Total Conversions are Now Available Throughout Amazon Ads’ Reporting

Total conversions, a metric that shows advertisers the full value of their advertising performance, are now in the Amazon DSP campaign management table and downloadable reports together with Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display reports. Probably, it’s never been easier to understand the total impact your ads make on your customers. 

More details: Amazon Ads


Amazon Community Lending Pilot Program

In cooperation with a minority-led Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Lendistry, Amazon has launched a Community Lending Pilot Program to support minority-owned small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The participants can borrow up to $100,000 for various business purposes and needs. 

Community Lending Pilot Program

Learn more about the update here: Amazon Lending


Amazon Delivery Promise Tool

Nowadays, customers are always prepared for late deliveries due to supply chain complications or other challenges. However, it doesn’t mean that buyers aren’t pleasantly surprised when the delivery comes in time. Amazon recently presented a Delivery Promise Tool that aims to help sellers compare the promised delivery time to an actual delivery time and secure their business from the negative customer experience they might provide. 

Delivery Promise Tool


Box-Level Inventory Placement Program

Amazon has introduced Box-Level Inventory Placement Program to help sellers, and their carriers simplify SPD shipments across multiple FCs without additional costs. With the program, sellers can send their inventory to several locations with no intermediate transportation points.

The information was taken from SoStocked.


US Referral and FBA Fee Changes in 2022

On 18 January 2022, Amazon will change US referral and FBA fees. It concerns Core FBA fulfillment fees (excluding apparel), FBA fulfillment fees for apparel, FBA fulfillment fees for dangerous goods, etc. Don’t forget that sellers have a choice between selling plans depending on the selling results, aims, and advertising planning.

FBA fee change in 2022

More details: Amazon


Amazon Data Scandal

Amazon detected that a Chinese firm that later became AMZReview was harvesting private customer data to resell it to Amazon sellers. Service collected data on five million customers. Amazon limited shared with sellers data and asked the biggest sellers to delete the historical data. 

Amazon Data Scandal

Find more information here: Web Retailer


New Brand Story Feature

The New Brand Story feature has recently been added to the long list of other functional tools and surprising updates of 2021. The news will be interesting for those who want to highlight brand elements, have an option to tell brand history in carousel-based form, and even show a bit more of their products!


First saw: Victor Dwyer



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