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15 Tips on How to Do Amazon Keyword Research + Bonus

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Ihor Dubovetskyi on Apr 22, 2022 in Tips

How to Do Amazon Keyword Research?


Amazon is a one-stop shop for everything, but figuring out how to get the most out of your store can be tricky. While you might know various keywords that people type into Amazon to find your products, it can still be difficult to tell which ones are most effective. 

Wondering how to do Amazon keyword research? This article is focused on arming you with solid Amazon keywords tips. We tried to lay out the tricks of Amazon keyword research, cover why it’s essential, and the process for finding the right keywords for your product. We hope to help you get more customers to your store!


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Amazon Keywords and Their Importance

Amazon keywords are words and phrases indexed by Amazon, making them a powerful resource for SEO that you should use to optimize your listings. A keyword is an individual word or sequence of words that describe a specific product you want to sell.

These are the words shoppers type when looking for products they need to find on the Amazon website. These keywords help shoppers find your products, so you need them to find the fastest wins and be successful on Amazon.

Amazon does its best to provide buyers with relevant product recommendations. Amazon itself is a global keyword tool that is a simple way to search for keywords before you commit to selling a product. The tool looks at how to search keywords on Amazon, how closely the keywords are product-related, and how profitable the keywords are for Amazon.

Where Online Shoppers Start Their Search?

Image Credit: MarketingCharts


You’ll find that your efficiency and sales might jump up if you use the right keywords and take the time to optimize them. But first, you must understand how to discover the most vital and relevant keywords for your listings. Let’s move on to the Amazon keyword tips, particularly – how to choose the right keywords.

Profit Whales Case Study

When our team renewed the keyword pool for a household brand, the number of impressions grew more than twice.

How to Choose Keywords for Amazon

The most successful SEO efforts are those that are based on keywords that are likely to convert, but the question remains: which keywords should you target? Search engine optimization is a complicated process, and it’s not always easy to know what works for your Amazon product. Amazon seller keywords tips usually include three types of keywords that sellers must learn first.


3 Types of Keywords

Pay attention to the three types of keywords and use them to get more sales.


Product Terms

Product terms keywords are a powerful tool for getting visibility on Amazon. These terms are keywords that describe the how’s/why’s of your products utilized by shoppers searching for a product that would fit their specific needs.

Here’s a tip for savvy Amazon sellers that want to get their product terms to the front of search engine results pages. They need to be mindful of product description keywords to get the most out of their optimization strategy.


Competitor Terms

If you’re going to sell on Amazon, your site likely might be in direct competition with a plethora of other sellers. It’s an increasingly common practice to try to dominate a keyword on Amazon by using the term in your product title. But your efforts shouldn’t stop there. 

Competitor terms will provide you with a clearer understanding of the difference between the amazon keywords you are targeting and those of your competition. They allow you to build, segment, and pinpoint a list of specific keywords that give you a competitive edge. Remember that you can employ competitor keywords and direct users to your website even if your offer differs.


Audience Terms

Keyword terms that are not classified into the previous categories are all of your potential customers’ searches. They are not general and are usually a result of a customer’s average thoughts.

For instance, if you sell bike wheels and equipment, your potential buyers might be looking for the top off-road bike equipment or something similar. If you can put yourself in their shoes, you will be able to identify the keywords that are most likely to increase Amazon’s visibility for your product.


How to do Amazon Keyword Research?

Amazon is a potential goldmine for anyone with a product to sell, but how to find good keywords for Amazon? You can improve the accuracy of your search result and sell more products by using some reliable tips listed below.


Use Keywords in Amazon Product Titles

In crafting your Amazon listings title, description, and bullets, be specific and use keywords. If you don’t, your products may not show in search results. Your product descriptions should help users find your products among competitors, which can amount to hundreds or dozens of results. Make sure the keywords are mentioned in your product descriptions.

Keywords in Amazon Product Titles


Apart from your product title, you should include keywords in your product descriptions.


Focus on Your Target Amazon Audience

If you’re trying to figure out what keywords to use on your Amazon products, it’s essential first to understand who your target market is. Amazon is a treasure chest of monetization opportunities due to its audience. But sellers tend to target too broad audiences. Failing to tailor their SEO strategy for each platform results in multiple poor-performing campaigns. If you’re just starting, one way to get in front of people is to focus specifically on your Amazon audience.


Optimize Amazon Product Pages

Many people have observed that the best way to make a sale on Amazon is to have the right keywords in the product title and description. The title fields of your products on the listing pages are your time to include variations of your main keywords with good descriptions that boost conversions. It’s a good idea to focus on the conversion-led descriptions of your listing to be sure shoppers don’t skip your content.

Optimize Amazon Product Descriptions


Since sales and conversions are key to A9, you need to induce the user to click on the “Add to cart.” So, include product keywords in the “About this item” section and the product description – this content is indexed and used to rank products in search results and category pages.


Use Amazon’s Search Bar for Keyword Suggestions

Amazon is incredibly helpful in leading sellers to success, and they are always pushing you to use their tools. One huge insight Amazon offers you is access to keyword suggestions via their search bar. 

Simply enter your Amazon keywords and click the ‘search’ button on the Amazon homepage. You should see suggestions that appear in the search. If you want to see Amazon’s suggested keyword suggestions, click “Suggested search tags.”

We entered “iPhone charger” in the Amazon search bar. With a few seconds worth of time, we see how users search on Amazon.

Use Amazon's Search Bar for Keyword Suggestions


After pulling data from the Amazon search tool listings, review them to identify other target keywords that may be more fruitful for research. After scrolling past the sponsored results, you’ll find your desired search result.

Amazon Product Listing Example


Investigate the “About this item” or “Product description”’ block of a listing to see if the content is keyword-rich and if you can discover more insights for your own listings.

Product Description


Employ Relevant Keywords Only

One of the keys to a successful Amazon SEO marketing strategy is to use only relevant keywords for your product. Use only keywords that show a search interest in your niche. They’ll give you the most opportunities to rank and convert leads while being less of a burden on your wallet.

A popular way to try and reach more people is to use irrelevant keywords with high search volumes that could help generate leads or inbound traffic. The issue is that the product is not related to the entered keyword. If you look for an iPhone charger and see a search result of a t-shirt, you’d probably be befuddled how that happened, right? Amazon penalizes sellers for this practice, which can also hurt your ranking.


Avoid Subjective Keywords

As a result of the Amazon algorithm change, more and more Amazon sellers use subjective words like “best” and “super” in their listings. The problem is that these words do not influence Amazon’s algorithm because it doesn’t know what you mean by “best” or “super.” However these subjective words may help for ranking, but as soon as Amazon’s algorithm catches on, you’ll find yourself at the bottom of the page.

Your title, description, and keywords must conform to the guidelines Amazon sets forth to work with Amazon. This is a case where being restrictive is a good thing because it means Amazon considers your title and description unique. And unique titles and descriptions mean being found.


Incorporate Keywords Within Your Listings

Amazon only requires that you use your Amazon keywords just once to get ranked. Enter the most important keyword in the title, and enter the second and third most important keywords in your descriptions. Using the same keyword multiple times will not affect your ranking. Instead of using the same keyword, focusing your ranking effort elsewhere can be more effective.


Use Backend Keywords

Backend Amazon keywords are hidden keywords that only Amazon sellers know about. Although visitors may not see these keywords, they tell Amazon that a particular keyword is relevant to your list. In short, it’s a way for sellers to target keywords they couldn’t target on a product page.

This little trick will help you optimize your listing to get higher conversion rates. This may not be popular on Amazon, but if you have a well-researched list of backend keywords that you know will help you sell your product, this technique can be helpful. By entering keywords in the search bar, you can filter the results by “People who bought this item also bought” and “People who bought this item also viewed.”


Research Competitors’ Keyword Performance

When looking for new keywords to target, many sellers research competitors to find new terms to build brand awareness and identify niche opportunities. You need to do the hard work of researching competitor performance. Find competitive keywords, look at their rankings, and use keyword tool research to figure out where to focus your time.

Early on, you want to know what competitors are doing with their marketing efforts on Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. This gives you a chance to shape your marketing in a direction that will outperform them. The most crucial keyword performance tool to use is SEMrush. You need to know how well their ads perform in the organic Google search results. So, if you’re wondering how to do Amazon keyword research that will help you get ahead of your competition, try researching your competitors first.


Monitor Your Keyword Performance

It’s something sellers always worry about: how their keywords are performing on Amazon. When you do Amazon keyword research, it can be painstaking. Because Amazon is so enormous, tracking changes to competitor rankings and monitoring the performance of your keywords on individual offers can be tricky. Still, Amazon keywords monitoring is vital as it can give you invaluable insights into competition and title selection on the platform. This is perfect for sellers and suppliers to understand their keyword rankings accurately.


Consider Complementary Products

Figure out what people are searching for on Amazon but not exactly talking about your product, then create your ad around that keyword. Consider finding a keyword for your product that is related but not directly describing it. One way to do that is to enter a search query for the product you’re selling into Amazon’s search bar. Scrolling down, you can see the “Frequently bought together” products. 

You can use your keywords within the description of your ads or listings to provide the customer with an insight into your page or product. The search results for a keyword related to your product but that does not directly describe your product can help drive traffic to your website and gain a competitive edge.

Products Frequently Bought Together


Google Up Relevant Keywords

Google is the leading search engine, with 85,55% of the market share of desktop search queries.

Worldwide Desktop Market Share of Leading Search Engines 2010-2022

Source: Statista


Using Google to search Amazon keywords can help you find the best keywords to get your listing optimized. If you are not using Amazon and Google for their respective keyword search strategies, you are essentially missing out on opportunities to maximize revenue.


Use Google Analytics

Managing individual campaigns based on their progress against competitors and goals is a central part of a meaningful marketing strategy. But what is the best way to track keyword performance?

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for Amazon keyword search, but it’s a must-have when it comes to keyword tracking. Google Analytics tracks visitor interactions and shows website traffic stats, conversion rates, bounce rates, and page views.

If you use Google Analytics to measure how your content is performing, you’ll see a keyword report. It can be helpful to see what phrases your audience is using to find your product. This way, you can analyze and refine your keyword search strategy over time.


Use Google Trends

If you’re not sure what keywords your content should target – Google Trends is an easy way to get up and running. It can be hard to know what is going on in your industry. Fortunately, Google Trends has a built-in keyword tool to help you find all the recent trends. It gives an insight into the term’s popularity so you can make smart decisions on where to focus your content.

Let’s say you want to know how the keyword “iPhone charger” ranks in Google search. You can enter the keyword into the Google Trends search box and look at the results to find these figures. You can then compare the number of daily searches in the various time frames to see how often the keyword is searched for and how easy it would be to rank for the keyword from a search engine marketing standpoint.


Search Through Other Platforms

When you’re selling a product on Amazon, you might want to use keywords from social media or other eCommerce channels to help boost your rankings. You could try Shopify, where you’re likely going to find a lot of competitors, but you need to be sure the keyword is going to be relevant and that it still has some popularity. The best way to find this out is by searching on Etsy, Facebook, or Walmart.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs on the web that we are about to answer today to help reveal even more useful Amazon keyword tips.


How Long Does it Take to Choose Keywords For Amazon?

It all depends on your experience and the product you’re selling. Certainly, if you’re a newbie, it might take months to catch up on all the intricacies of working with Amazon SEO. But with the right tools at hand, you can manage to deal with this task much faster. 


What is The Search Algorithm of Amazon?

The Amazon market search algorithm A9 is the system used by the eCommerce giant to rank the products available for customer searches. Like Google, it considers keywords when determining which results are most relevant to the search query.


How Are Amazon Keywords Related to Product Relevance?

It’s important to understand the relevance of keywords to create links between products and get increased traffic. The Amazon algorithm determines how closely a keyword matches the actual product. By looking at the average search volume, time on the website, and the number of times buyers have purchased the product, it’s possible to analyze the most representative keywords.




Z2H by Sponsoreds is an AI technology tool designed to simplify Amazon keyword research for sellers. The tool uses a sophisticated algorithm that analyzes keyword data and provides users with a fully researched set of keywords that are optimized for their specific product or niche. This process can typically take hours or even days to complete manually, but with Z2H, it can be done in just a few clicks.

One of the standout features of Z2H is its patented advertising structure. The tool creates a structure that is optimized to maximize the potential of Amazon’s advertising platform, ensuring that users achieve the best possible results from their campaigns. This structure has been developed and refined over time to ensure that it is effective across a wide range of niches and products.

In addition to its research and advertising capabilities, Z2H is also incredibly user-friendly. The tool’s interface is intuitive and easy to use, even for those with little or no experience in Amazon keyword research. Once the research is complete, users can upload the data directly to their Amazon account with just one click, making the process of launching a new campaign quick and hassle-free.

Overall, Z2H represents a significant step forward in the world of Amazon keyword research. Its sophisticated AI technology and patented advertising structure make it an incredibly powerful tool for sellers looking to optimize their advertising campaigns and drive sales on Amazon. Whether you are an experienced seller or just starting out, Z2H has the potential to help you achieve your goals and take your business to the next level.

If you’re interested in using Z2H by Sponsoreds for your Amazon keyword research and advertising needs, now is the perfect time to sign up. As a special offer for readers of ProfitWhales, you can use a coupon code to get a 75% discount on the price of Z2H. That’s a significant saving and a great opportunity to try out this powerful tool for yourself.

Coupon – GowbWSAg

Sing-up to Sponsoreds

To take advantage of this offer, simply register for Z2H using the link provided by Sponsoreds and enter the special coupon code at checkout. Once you’ve completed the registration process, you’ll be able to start using Z2H right away to research keywords and launch effective advertising campaigns on Amazon.

Don’t miss out on this incredible offer. With Z2H and the special coupon code from ProfitWhales, you can access a powerful tool for Amazon keyword research and advertising at a fraction of the usual price. Register today and start driving sales on Amazon like never before!

Final Word

Amazon provides a great opportunity to become the retailer of choice. One of the best ways to reach that is to do keyword research to figure out what people are already searching for. Once you know that, you can come up with well-tailored keyword strategies to build your brand with those keywords.

We hope our Amazon search tips were useful for you. If you still have questions about how to find the best keywords for Amazon, please contact us, and we’ll gladly help you!


  1. Avatar for Ann Ann says:

    Great tips, thanks for your insights!

  2. Useful information tnx for your post

    1. Avatar for Ihor Ihor says:

      Thanks! We are pleased with your comment.

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