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Full-Funnel Ad Strategy for the Tennis Equipment Brand

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Profit Whales Team on Nov 24, 2021 in Case Studies

Table Tennis Equipment Case Study


Profit Whales helped increase sales and compete for top-selling positions.

sales increase


Company Background

Table Tennis Equipment Brand is a sports product manufacturing company that is committed to providing high-quality sporting goods at a reasonable price. Its philosophy is making thoughtfully designed yet simple sports equipment available to all customers.


The Challenge

After Christmas 2020, it became clear that branded sporting equipment is well received by the market and has a strong loyal customer base. The time has come to expand sales and challenge leading positions in their respective market niches. Also, the goal was to make sure the store is connected to its audience and tells them the story of its brand.


“At the time, we just didn’t have enough staff hours to conduct proper keyword research and keep up with the optimization of all the Sponsored campaigns we needed. In this situation, Profit Whales offered us a quick way to start and, more importantly, to support our Amazon-based marketing efforts.”

–Alexey Ukhnalev, CEO of the Table Tennis Equipment Company


ACoS & Sales


ACos & sales 2


The Solution

Our experts examined the company’s existing sales strategy to determine its position in relation to the core ingredients of Amazon’s retail success. Communicating the company’s mission and vision is an important part of brand development. We had to make sure these were revealed on Amazon.

While Alexey was effectively running Sponsored Ads, it was clear that more effort was required to overtake existing top sellers. After studying the market and the product listing, we proposed to run two clusters of Sponsored Ads campaigns, one for each product. Extensive keyword research was conducted from scratch using the Zero to Hero Keyword Generating Tool.


“It was clear that we had a serious task ahead of us. Since we wanted to see our products on TOP of the Amazon page next to TOP competitors, we needed external expertise and knowledge of how to achieve that.” – Alexey stated.


After about four weeks of running the campaigns, Profit Whales rearranged them to closely fit the exact landscape of real customers’ popular queries. It was now time to start investing in the best-performing ones and gain the BSR needed to get to the top-selling positions.


“Amazon Sponsored Ads is THE tool to get to the top. Alexey did a great job creating a solid A-class listing for his products and providing high-quality customer service and feedback to each market’s appreciation and good reviews. Under these conditions, Sponsored Ads were pretty much destined to grow their sales.”

–Alexander Nyezhnyk, Profit Whales, Co-founder


In an effort to implement a full-funnel ad strategy, our team began by developing a plan to lure new and reach existing customers at various stages of their purchase journey. 

We employed a full range of sponsored ads products, including Sponsored Display and Sponsored Brands

Profit Whales strategically launched a brand awareness campaign to target parents of children who play tennis in order to get a foothold in the market. We developed a video ad to convey to prospective customers how it’s like to use our client’s products for playing tennis.

By the summer of 2021, after five months of partnership with Profit Whales, the Table Tennis Equipment Brand received the coveted Best Seller badge from Amazon. PPC sales have grown 10 times compared to the previous year, and overall sales have tripled. And then the competitors began to notice the newcomer. Other well-established sellers with good quality products were actively bidding higher and utilizing various discounting sales and deals to keep on top of selling results.

The company has established itself as one of the leaders in the table tennis equipment market. Total sales averaged 500% of sales a year ago, and the company was steadily approaching its second million in sales. Consistent work on product quality, customer support, Amazon listing, and highly active Amazon PPC management has paid off.

January-April 2020 Orders


Orders Lifetime


Another effect of this work manifested itself when the world experienced the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Contrary to expectations, table tennis has proven to be a very good way to entertain (and get some much-needed exercise) for stranded people across the US. The versatile retractable nets and ping-pong paddles have sold out like never before, with sales in March-April 2021 surpassing those of Christmas 2020. This is a truly new way of looking at the product.

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