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Debunking PPC Optimization Myths with a Kitchen Brand

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Profit Whales Team on Nov 17, 2022 in Case Studies

Debunking Myths about PPC Optimization with Kitchen & Dining Brand


Company Background

Today we will talk about a Kitchen & Dining brand with a solid market position. The company knows everything about making convenient and aesthetic product storage. But should they improve Amazon’s promotion, given they already rank high? Let’s figure it out.


The Challenge

Past PPC campaigns brought good results, and the product was at the top for some high-frequency keywords. However, every seller is tempted to lower their CPC even if things are going well. And that was our primary task.


The Solution

Every project starts with a thorough study of recent campaigns, product features, and competitors. Then we define the keywords and make up the semantic core. After analyzing the high-frequency keys, we identified a cheaper ad variation and started testing. The new variation was supposed to increase conversions and improve overall metrics.

Although after we launched a campaign with other high-frequency keys, top positions were lost. And even at very high stakes, it was impossible to improve the ranking. As a result, we did not receive regular traffic and did not get the expected sales.

Finally, we moved to the previous ad variation, and the product immediately hit the top again. The traffic volume and sales also became the same.

The graph shows how orders fell sharply, and ACOS jumped to record levels, hitting the budget.

The Graph Shows How Orders Fell Sharply, and ACOS Jumped to Record Levels, Hitting The Budget.



This case showed that CPC is affected not only by the bid, modifier, and bidding strategy but also by the product total sales. And cheaper variations are not always better.


Individual Approach in PPC

In Amazon PPC articles, you can often see advice to use keywords with a lower CPC to increase ROI. Nevertheless, this case study shows that traditional approaches do not always work.

Cooperating with Profit Whales, you get not only the expertise and personal experience of our PPC specialists but also a personal approach to your product. In addition, we are constantly testing new hypotheses and monitoring Amazon’s changing algorithms to provide brands with a high-quality support.

Please contact us if you want to optimize advertising costs and increase sales.

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