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Latest Amazon News – September 2021

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Anastasiya Vyday on Oct 08, 2021 in News

Latest Amazon News – September 2021


September has passed, and it means that the new Amazon News Digest by Profit Whales has arrived. Curious about what happened last month? Then let’s get started!


Sponsored Display CPC & vCPM Billing Attribution

Amazon Sponsored Display campaigns expanded to CPC & vCPM billing attribution. Sellers can have access to new bidding features through product targeting and audiences. The update will enhance chances for better product awareness and change the perspective of ad campaigns analysis.

Bid optimization

The information is taken from: Joe Shelerud


“Product Video” Label in the Product Listing

It’s now visible whether product detail pages are powered with videos in some search results. What a way to encourage sellers to include videos on their detail pages! The fact that some listings provide this information now might improve click share for certain sellers. Or, on the contrary, worsen the results!

Product video feature

First saw: Abe C. Chomali


Dynamic Segments for Product Targeting 

Amazon introduced dynamic segments for product targeting to its users. Dynamic segments is a function of product collections to be targeted. Yet, the function was spotted only for Sponsored Display campaigns.

Dynamic segments

 Creadits for the information to: Florian Nottorf


Amazon Attribution

There is finally a way to measure off-Amazon campaigns’ performance! Amazon announced Amazon Attribution Beta – a tool created to track the efficiency of external campaigns. Probably, the most expected update as Amazon supports sellers` efforts to drive traffic from third-party websites.

Amazon Attribution
More information here: Pattern


Updated Ad Console 

Ad Console has been updated! Redesigned side navigation menu: direct linking to various advertising tools, a new way of stores navigation, consolidated Measurement & Reporting, etc. However, the convenience of the new design is debatable — especially the sideways scrolling.

Ad Console update
First saw: Destaney Wishon


Amazon Posts

Amazon experiments with Amazon Posts feature that is likely to increase brand awareness and loyalty. The dramatic increase in Engagement and Viewable Impressions is undoubtedly worth the sellers’ attention.

Amazon Posts experiments

Check out for more details: Destaney Wishon


Negative Targeting in History Tab

There is now an excellent opportunity to see negative keyword history and visualize performance changes in History Tab. Simply by filtering negative targeting. See the screenshot for a better understanding.

History Tab Negative Targeting
Information is taken from: Elizabeth Greene


Come back for more next month!


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