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How to Find Amazon Influencers for Sellers?

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Anastasia Selukova on Jul 22, 2022 in Tips

How to Find Amazon Influencers?


Read on how to find Amazon influencers, how you can benefit from the Influencer Program, and how it works.


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Who Are Amazon Influencers?

Amazon influencers create content and recommend encouraging your audience through social media. If you represent a media company or brand and aim to bring more traffic to the marketplace, applying for the Amazon Associates Program would be best and searching for the right influencers.


What Is the Amazon Influencer Program?

The Amazon Influencer Program is a potent tool for sellers. Verbal advertising is essential to increase sales and drive traffic on the platform. In the technological era, partnering with influencers is a highly sought-after way to promote a brand. Otherwise, you are missing a critical component of your promotion strategy.


Influencer Program for Sellers: How Does It Work?

Influencers open up new opportunities for buyers to find and purchase your items on Amazon. It’s a two-way street: influencers receive a fee for each purchase, while merchants receive an increase in sales.

Let’s figure out how the Amazon Influencer Program works:

  • A person builds influence in social media by creating a significant number of subscribers who share their views and are willing to engage with them;
  • The influencer applies for the program, goes through the selection process, and verifies the account;
  • After that, they open their store in the marketplace, partner with multiple merchants, and feature the items they wish to promote;
  • They can promote their store or personal items by posting links on social networks and coming up with relevant content;
  • When potential customers click on these links, they are redirected to the influencers’ storefronts;
  • Once a buyer makes a purchase, the influencer is rewarded by the marketplace and the sellers they promote.

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How Does Influencer Program Differ from Associate Program?

Amazon Influencers are Amazon Affiliates. A sole distinction between these two programs is how they offer enforced products to their clients. For example, the Affiliates Program members can only post affiliate links to specific products on their blogs or social networks. In contrast, the Influencer Program members should create unique storefronts in the marketplace.

The best Amazon Influencers or Affiliates are recognized for their clever and unconventional ways to increase sales. They leverage multiple means like blogs and social networking sites to link the goods they promote directly, for example, in their YouTube video description that redirects visitors to the Amazon platform.

Amazon Affiliates tend to be more efficient at selling items in the marketplace since they are experienced in writing persuasive copies and engaging videos that may turn prospects into customers.


Why Is Amazon Influencer Program Vital to Sellers?

A great benefit of the program is that you don’t have to contact an influencer to ask them to list your product. For example, if you sell a premium quality item that buyers admire, influencers will most likely list it on their storefront without being asked. The common question among all sellers is how to find an Amazon influencer storefront? You can access the #FoundItOnAmazon page to see more content from influencers.

Another great benefit is linking to influencers’ Amazon storefronts in multiple places, not just on their websites. In addition, they can post these links on social media, emails, and others. The FTC disclosure on influencers’ pages boosts your visibility.

However, leaving it to chance that a significant influencer will admire your product and back it in the marketplace is not the only option.


How To Find Amazon Influencers to Rank Higher in the Marketplace?

Before you search for influencers for partnership, it is vital to define your influencer marketing campaign goals and what type of influencer will suit your business best.


  • Search for Content Creators and Influencers on Amazon

Knowing how to find influencers on Amazon to suit your needs is essential if you are a salesperson. Luckily, the platform completes most of the hard work for you. Its algorithm picks the relevant influencers to link your item.

Your products will emerge on the influencer’s storefront as soon as Amazon picks a suitable match for you. Case in point, you sell beautiful figure-hugging yoga outfits. As a result, you may appear on the Koree Ream influencer page:

Who Are Amazon Influencers - Koree Ream
Source: Amazon


Her ability to connect with followers aligns with a successful social media strategy. Her storefront showcases a broad spectrum of merchandise, from tech to swimwear. In addition, she presents herself in a way that encourages her audience to emulate her.


  • Get the Most Out of Sponsored Posts

Consider hiring paid influencers to create a standard sponsored post that will also sell through the Amazon program. Then you end up paying for both the content and the result.


  • Revise Your Existing Customers

It would be best to check whether an existing client or social media fan is an influencer on Amazon. Then, for regular clients, contact them and ask whether they are looking to earn money assisting with sales. Again, it costs nothing to you, and even the smallest business can benefit.


  • Leverage Amazon Live to Find Influencers

And how to find Amazon Live influencers? For this, you should head over to the Amazon Live page. Amazon Live is a live streaming platform, and it is a great idea to host your products here. In addition, sellers are starting to say that their Amazon ranking improves after doing it.

How to Find an Influencer on Amazon - Leticia Gardner


  • Use Hashtags to Pick Influencers in Your Business Domain

Hashtags help Amazon users find relevant content and engage on exciting topics. Look for hashtags associated with your company and business domain and find out who gets the most engagement on their posts about these topics.


  • Move Backwards from Your Audience

Define your prospective buyers, find them, and examine who they are following to pick the best influencer type that will suit you. All influencer types can be Amazon influencers, and you can look for them in the marketplace and on their social media websites. Pick an influencer who creates the content your prospects interact with and through the channels where they are most active.


  • Look Out for Influencer Platforms and Tools

Multiple tools and platforms can help you pick and reach out to Amazon influencers in your business domain. Leveraging a special platform makes it easier to look out for influencers, and it can save you much time. Some even provide information to check the influencer’s credibility, reach, and engagement rates.

Finally, remember that this type of influencer marketing is, in all likelihood, the most organic of all. In such ambiguous times, trust is more crucial than ever.


The Top 5 Amazon Influencers in 2022

The following Influencer Amazon list can help you scale your business in the marketplace in 2022.

  1. Leticia Gardner is a mega-influencer who creates content about fitness, health & beauty, fashion, home decor, and others.
  2. Holland Smith Paterno is a micro-influencer who posts about fashion, beauty, and home.
  3. The Ohio Girl Jaz is a micro-influencer who has worked with brands like Walmart. She creates content on fashion, travel, and beauty subjects.
  4. Ashley Marquez is among the top Amazon influencers focusing on education, fashion & beauty, and lifestyle content.
  5. Laura Fuentes is a successful Amazon influencer who is passionate about health-food content.


Influencers should have YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok, or Facebook accounts to qualify for this program.


How Much Money Do Influencers Make with the Amazon Influencer Program?

Based on the product category, the platform pays flat fees ranging from 1% to 20%. It also prompts special commission income from bounty and bonus events, subscriptions, and others.

They can start earning a commission when their followers make qualifying purchases via their affiliate links. Of course, the commission rates are contingent on the items sold. Nonetheless, influencers are likely to receive more depending on how strong their influence is. And here’s what our expert says:

Oleksandr Burkat's Quote


Final Word

Since influencers now affect how buyers shop online, Amazon Influencer Program can work miracles for your business if you look up, research, and invest strategically. As soon as you partner with an influencer, ensure you handpick and have a clear plan for how they can increase sales and add value to your brand.

How to find an influencer on Amazon is one of the most common questions business people ask. The ideal solution is to hire a reliable marketing agency to discuss this issue in depth. We are an Amazon PPC agency specializing in Amazon marketing. We provide a broad spectrum of Amazon marketing services and have helped multiple brands boost their sales. Feel free to contact us for help.


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