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How to Optimize Facebook Ads for Amazon Products?

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Alex Nyezhnyk on Sep 29, 2022 in Step by Step Guides

How to Optimize Facebook Ads for Amazon Products?


If you want to boost your sales on Amazon, Facebook Ads is an option. Detailed targeting allows sellers to attract a lookalike audience and users who are most likely to purchase. However, running Facebook Ads for Amazon products can be tricky, especially if you do not know the nuances.

Stay tuned to learn how to prepare your Amazon products, create the perfect Facebook ad, and what to avoid when using Facebook Ads.


Table of content:

Why You Should Use Facebook Ads for Amazon Products
Are Amazon Facebook Ads an Option for You?
How You Could Drive External Traffic
How to Prepare Your Amazon Listing
How to Create Your First Facebook Ad
Don’ts of Amazon Ads on Facebook
Facebook-to-Amazon Ads Tricks You Need to Try
Frequently Asked Questions
Final word


Why You Should Use Facebook Ads for Amazon Products

Amazon provides various internal advertising opportunities, such as PPC. But why should you limit yourself to marketplace promotion? According to statistics, 40% of consumers search for products via social networks, and 30% of users buy on Facebook. That is why ignoring the selling power of social media is a crime against your Amazon sales. Below you will find other benefits you can get from Facebook Ads.


  • Wide Audience

Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users, which is many times more than any other social network. Also, almost two-thirds of the adult population use this platform. Therefore, do not waste the opportunity to advertise to a global, diverse audience you can not encounter anywhere else.


  • Detailed Targeting

Unlike Amazon Ads, on Facebook you can micro-target your audience by:

  • Geographics (geo, resident, or visitor);
  • Demographics (age, gender, education);
  • Interests;
  • Behaviors;
  • Major life events.

Amazon Facebook Ads: Detailed Targeting


Targeting allows you to set up ads as efficiently as possible, attracting the most promising users. And retargeting helps sellers communicate with the audience at any stage of the buyer’s journey, improving customer lifetime value (CLV). CLV is the income company gets from the client during their relationship.


  • High ROI

Facebook is a useful promotional tool for eCommerce due to its high ROI. According to Statista, 41% of digital marketers admit that Facebook Ads allow them to get the best ROAS (even better than Google Shopping). Not surprising since 1.84 billion active users visit Facebook daily, reading news and discovering offers from local and international brands.


  • Easy Customization

With Facebook Ads, Amazon products could reach custom audiences. For example, you can set up ads for your website or app users, customer lists, and everyone who interacts with Meta technologies. By working with different audience segments, you can create a more meaningful experience for each of them, which means better results for your business.


Are Amazon Facebook Ads an Option for You?

Before running Facebook Ads for Amazon FBA, it is crucial to understand if your target audience is there. If not, it makes sense to invest in promotion on other social networks. For instance, 56% of users are male, and 44% are female. Millennials aged 25-35 have the most tangible presence. 81.8% of users prefer the mobile version of the app. And 82% of college graduates are on Facebook.


Facebook Ads for Amazon FBA: How You Could Drive External Traffic

You probably already know much about promoting products on Amazon. It is time to send traffic from Facebook Ads to your Amazon listings. There are three ways to do this, each with its pros and cons.


Direct Traffic

Facebook Ads => Amazon Listing


This type of promotion only works for users who are already familiar with your company and its products. A cold audience is not interested in making purchases.


  • Improved keyword rankings;
  • Minimum user action;
  • Cross-selling improves LTV (live-time value).


  • Disability to analyze conversions and collect valuable audience data;
  • No advertising optimization.


Social Media Promo Code

Facebook Ads => Landing page => Social Media Promo Code


Do not forget to use discounts when advertising Amazon products on Facebook. Redirect users to a landing page with one or more products. It is similar to the Amazon page but without competing products. Along with the page, you get a unique URL that is easy to share.

Try SMPC if you:

  • Have medium to large advertising budget;
  • Can create landing pages;
  • Use one or more sources of external traffic to Amazon;
  • Want to increase conversion and boost organic growth.


  • Ability to optimize your Amazon transition;
  • Transfer data Cross Channel;
  • The coupon is applied automatically without extra actions;
  • Link access helps avoid accidental users.


  • Valid for 30 days only.


Email Collection

Facebook Ads => Landing Page => Email Collection => Amazon Listing


Prospects visit a landing page with a discount or coupon offer and leave emails to activate it. Then user moves to the Amazon listing.

Try Email Collection if you:

  • Have medium to large advertising budget;
  • Can create landing pages;
  • Use one or more sources of external traffic to Amazon;
  • Work with email marketing.


  • You can use button click events and optimize advertising for them;
  • Collected emails would be helpful for further email marketing.


  • Additional steps significantly reduce the conversion of the target action.


How to Prepare Your Amazon Listing

Setting up Facebook ads is easy, but you should take several actions to increase the effectiveness of your future campaign. First, let’s figure out how to prepare your Amazon products.


1. Measure Current Ranking

In any undertaking, it is crucial to know the starting point to evaluate the final result. You can use Helium 10 to measure your rank by looking at the following metrics:

  • The organic ranking of indexed keywords shows your positions for different keywords;
  • Best seller rank (BSR) highlights your ranking in product departments and categories.


2. Optimize Product Listing

It makes no sense to attract traffic without first optimizing the listing. Otherwise, you could spend thousands on advertising without getting sales.

Make sure your listing meets the following requirements:

  • Copywriting contains the necessary keywords, improving the ranking, and product search visibility.
  • The text contains all the necessary information about the product. It directly affects the conversion.
  • You use only high-quality photos and videos of your product.


3. Create A Landing Page

The landing page for Amazon is an essential part of the sales funnel and a link between Amazon Ads and Amazon listing. It is needed to attract a new audience as the data and events of existing customers are already available on all advertising platforms.

The landing page allows you to:

  • Tell more about the product and its benefits;
  • Drive sales with coupons and other offers;
  • Collect email addresses for future marketing activities;
  • Place a pixel to collect user data and share it with other platforms for further retargeting and lookalike audience building.
  • Filter traffic — those who finally visit Amazon are more likely to buy the product, improving your conversion rate and rankings.


4. Get Amazon Attribution Tag

Tag all traffic we send to Amazon with Amazon Attribution. The Attribution tag is the URL of your Amazon product created for promotion on external sources. It helps sellers identify the channels where users make transactions. Create the Attribution tag through the Amazon Ads Console or the Amazon Ads API.


5. Create Social Media Promo Code

Social media promo codes help sellers drive sales on Amazon. When you create a promo code for a specific promotion, you get a URL with a marketing page that only features your products. The discount can vary from 5% to 80%, and the promo code itself is activated 4 hours after creation and is valid for up to 30 days.

Facebook Ads For Amazon Products: Create Social Media Promo Code


6. Try Split Test

No matter how well you know your client, split testing is a must-have. Experiment with images, text, CTA buttons, and targeting to optimize your campaign and improve conversion rate. But remember that you should check one parameter at a time to determine the difference. The optimal duration of the split test is 3-5 days.


7. Avoid Overtesting

Overtesting is about running too many campaign variations or for too long. Firstly, you can get confused about the data and will not be able to make the right decision. Secondly, you risk splashing out a large part of your budget. So be smart and turn off the rest of the campaigns once you have picked a winner.


8. Structure Your Campaign

Test the audience, offers, and options after you structure campaigns. Firstly, decide what exactly you are testing. To check different objectives, you should use two campaigns with the same audience, creative, and copy. To test different targeting audiences, create one campaign with two ad sets, each with a diverse audience but similar copy and creative. To test the ad creative or copy, you need one ad set with two different ads.


How to Create Your First Facebook Ad

You do not need to be a Facebook expert to set up your first Amazon product promotion campaign. Instead, follow these nine easy steps:


1. Create the Business page

The first thing you need to do is create a business page. With it, you can build brand trust, connect with your audience, educate them, talk about company news, and publish entertaining content. Then, you can create a new business page or reformat your existing Facebook account.


2. Create an Ad

After filling out the business page with basic information, you can create your first advertisement. To do this, in the menu on the left, select “Ad Center” and click “Create an Ad.”


3. Choose a Marketing Objective

Determine the objective of your advertising campaign. Today, Facebook offers three directions for marketing objectives:

  • Awareness (brand awareness and reach);
  • Consideration (traffic, engagement, app installs, video views, lead generation, and messages);
  • Conversion (conversions, catalog sales, and store traffic).

Choose a Marketing Objective Using Facebook Ads For Amazon FBA


If you are unsure about your objectives, test your hypotheses to see which direction suits you best.


4. Select Your Target Audience

Keep a balance within 10,000 potential impressions. If you choose a wider audience, you may waste money. In other cases, your ad will be invisible. In addition to the classic parameters like gender, age, language, and geo, experiment with interests in the “detailed targeting” section. Do not forget to include “Amazon.com” as an interest to attract the marketplace’s existing customers.


5. Set Your Budget And Schedule

It is easy to get carried away and overspend your advertising budget, so set spending limits. You can customize the budget depending on your marketing objective —  awareness, conversion, or engagement. Set up an advertising schedule by selecting the start date and time for showing ads and the end date using the box under the “End” field.


6. Add Your Creative

Welcome to the most creative part of the Facebook ad development process. Firstly, choose an ad type — an image, a carousel, or a video. Next, upload a catchy visual showing the product, and the value people receive when using it. Next, write a text about product benefits, avoiding discrimination as Facebook bans such ads. Finally, create a clear and original call to action. Enter the URL of the landing or Amazon listing (depending on where you drive traffic). Check everything several times and click the “Publish” button. Within an hour, moderators review the ad and make it available.


7. Test Your Ads

You know what A/B tests are for and how to set them up. It is time you put it into practice. Experiment with marketing objectives and target audience, and check how users react to different creatives. Analyze the received data and optimize your campaign.


8. Track Facebook Metrics

Always analyze how much you spend on advertising and whether you are satisfied with the results. Focus on the following metrics:

  • Cost Per Click (CPC) — a high CPC indicates poor ROI for your campaign;
  • Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) is a metric that depends on your audience, competition, seasonality, etc. The indicator is crucial if your marketing goal is brand awareness;
  • Click-through Rate (CTR) helps you determine how your ad resonates with your target audience;
  • Impressions — high impressions are about good ad optimization, and low impressions mean narrow targeting;
  • Amount Spent keeps your total budget under control and helps you determine the most cost-effective campaigns.


9. Analyse Amazon Conversions

If you use a landing page, the Facebook pixel tracks email subscriptions and Amazon conversions but not final sales. Pay attention to how many times your promo code has been redeemed and compare the data with the report from the ad manager. Use Amazon Attribution to analyze your conversion rates and compare them with data from the Facebook report.


Don’ts of Amazon Ads on Facebook

Some Amazon sellers ignore Facebook Ads after having a negative experience. Indeed, without knowing some life hacks, you could spend the budget without getting the desired result. Here are three mistakes you should avoid:


  • Non-Optimized Listing

When a person visits your Amazon listing, it is far from over. First, you must convince the prospects to purchase as they still see other offers from your competitors. Use high-quality photos, catchy relevant product descriptions, and a unique selling proposition. Make sure you have a lot of positive reviews. And if you want to extend the impact of Facebook ads and boost organic deals, do not forget to update your description with top keywords in your category.


  • No Landing Page

We recommend sending traffic from Facebook Ads to the landing page and only then to the Amazon listing. Despite the extra step, this strategy brings more benefits:

  • Amazon users are primarily ready to purchase, and the average conversion rate is about 13%. Unfortunately, Facebook users are less interested in shopping — they convert less, lowering your organic ranking. The landing page helps you eliminate uninterested users and move to Amazon those who are likely to buy your product.
  • With a landing page, you can collect emails and motivate prospects with coupons and special offers. You can also track users on other platforms using pixels and apply retargeting to them.


  • Bad Split Testing

Working with Facebook Ads for Amazon FBA, you should always test and optimize. No one gets the perfect result at the first try. The second essential point is that you can test only one thing during one A/B test to get precise results.

Build Synergy Across All Platforms

We’ve collected all secrets of Amazon external traffic in one place: check them out.

Facebook-to-Amazon Ads Tricks You Need to Try

The competition between Amazon sellers continues to grow. Use more progressive advertising methods to maximize your conversion rate and become No. 1 for your consumers.


  • Compelling And Customized Offers

Amazon sellers often practice compelling offers, providing the opportunity to get huge discounts on their products. The average duration of such a campaign is usually 7-10 days, optimized for the Lead event. This trick helps brands boost their organic keyword rankings. To create customized offers, study your buyer persona and set up detailed targeting. Then, use your copy and creative to prove that your product can solve customers’ problems.


  • Lookalike Audience

A lookalike audience consists of users with similar characteristics to your existing customers, which means they are likely to be interested in your product. The algorithm uses parameters such as demographics, interests, and behavior. Then, you choose how closely the lookalike audience should match your source audience. According to statistics, it is more effective than manually selecting the same targeting indicators — check it through a split test.
Amazon Facebook Ads: Create a Lookalike Audience


Amazon Facebook Ads: Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about Facebook Ads for Amazon? You can find answers to the most common ones below.


How much do Facebook Ads cost?

The cost of Facebook Ads depends on many factors, including the target audience. Higher-converting prospects can not be cheap. It is also crucial to understand which payment model you are using. For example, the average cost per click is $0.97, and the average cost per thousand impressions is about $7.


Could Facebook Ads Stimulate Reviews on Amazon?

Yes, you can encourage reviews on Amazon in three ways:

  • Collecting emails through the landing page — send an email asking a client to leave a review after a while.
  • Retargeting — create a custom campaign for reviews instead of repeat sales.
  • New traffic and sales naturally help you get more reviews on listing.


Final word

Facebook Ads is a tool that allows sellers to scale their Amazon business — grow brand awareness, boost sales, and even improve their organic rankings.

In this article, you found out how to prepare your listing and run Facebook ads effectively. Though if you still want to delegate this task to professionals, contact the Profit Whales team.


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